[@Beloss]Yeah I'll be sticking around so if I'm ever in need I won't turn down the offer if I'm wanted! And sure, I don't mind sharing. I've actually been working on a choose-your own adventure type RP on another site with elements from Fate/Extra so I've basically written up concepts for nearly an entire cast. In other words, I've got plenty of ideas. I'll just give you a briefing of who I've got. For Berserker I've got Muramasa Sengo, with the idea being that he's basically the embodiment of the legend of his swords. (has E rank luck obviously) Then is Mary I of England, summoned as Bloody Mary and given the Assassin class. I'm quite happy with her Noble Phantasm, with it obviously being she can travel between any mirror, and if someone says her name they are pulled into what is basically a Reality Marble of the mirror dimension. Rider is Sinbad, but instead of having him be the amazing adventurer everyone likes to portray him as, I've interpreted him as an eccentric adventurer who's survived based on pure luck, thus I've given him EX luck. On top of that he probably has my favourite Noble Phantasms, one being a giant Roc he can fly on and the other being what is basically a dice roll for a Reality Marble, bringing forth the setting of one of his seven adventures. Saber is Drona, and I planned for him to be super overpowered. I'm still conceptualizing his NP's, but so far I have that his sword, being the personification of every weapon ever created, is basically the NP of every single sword weapon ever created and he can use any of them at will. On top of that, he gains a boost to all of his stats when he's fighting anyone who's using a weapon. On top of that he has the Brahmanda astra, which is basically Ea. So yeah he's pretty tough. I've also been tossing around the idea of having Don Quixote as kind of a joke character due to how weak he'd be. But yeah, those are the ones I have developed the most. I have a few others still under heavy construction. I've been trying to come up with Lancers, but that's quite difficult actually.