[img]http://mblogthumb3.phinf.naver.net/20110226_158/jjw9536_1298729825376rGXcm_JPEG/pandora_tv_20110226_210407.jpg?type=w2[/img] [center][h2]One Piece: A New Era Unfolding[/h2][/center] The World Government has declared war against the current ruling Yonkou after Akainu's sudden announcement that all pirates having bounties over 100million beli should be rounded up and executed publicly. Some speculates that the announcement was a propaganda thought up by the Celestial Dragons to finally seize total power over the world, but others suspects that an even bigger force was behind all of this. Although the idea seem absurd at first, however, with the not so private amassing of Pacifitas and powerful devils fruit users, the Government has been successful so far, executing over 150 pirates with bounties ranging from 200 to 700 million beli in plain public. Threatened by the turn of events, the Yonkou was forced to form a temporary alliance to strike back. The collision of both powers has tipped the world balanced immensely, and thus started the most anarchic era in history. [center]-------------[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] The RP takes place during the preamble of the war, specifically right after Kaido's execution, and from there, we will go deeper into the cause of it all and then finally to the war itself (hopefully) as we progress. Everyone will start off as rookies (for pirates) running wild in the New World, but would eventually form Alliances to help out fight The World Government. The first half of the story will focus on forming connections and fortifying and formulating advances against the Marines. On the other hand should you choose to be on the Marine side, your main focus is to impede pirate advancement and crippling down their forces by capturing and executing as many of them as you can. I don't really plan this to be a huge RP like it used to be. I'll probably take 5 people max for now, and 2 characters each. We'll see how it goes from there and if it will require me to take more people, then I might.