[centre][b][color=lightblue]Henry Williams[/color][/b][/centre] [hr] [centre][b]Location:[/b]Bridge[/centre] [hr] Henry gave off a quick salute to the captain and got to his station as quick as he could. Now, while he doesn't consuder himseld to be a very smart man, Henry wasn't altogether stupid. The very fact that a Reaver ship could show up right and now of all places was beyond a coincidence. It was either extremely bad luck that they would come here and now at of all the places there were. Or, it could be entirely possible that they meant to show up at this time and place. For all he knew they could be actively coming after the Retribution or the Vengeance, for what Henry could only guess. Maybe they pissed off the crew of the Reaver ship. Maybe they looked like easy pickings. Or, they knew what carho they were carrying. Didn't matter, all that mattered was that they were here, and they were after them. He got to his station and got the weapons up and running. [Color=lightblue]"Lieutenant Harper the weapons are online and are now locking on to the Reaver ship. I need you to try and avoid their fire for a minute or so while they lock and open up on them."[/color]