[centre][h1][b][color=fff200]Niesha[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] building one, the infirmary [/centre] [color=fff200]"Nessie"[/color] Niesha said wihout thinking, as Froggy asked her to get the gurney's. She didn't know what had caused her to bring the near twenty year old nickname back to life, and she stood there a second, frozen. Where had it come from? Looking away, she stammered out, [color=fff200]"I...s--sorry. I don't...I'll go get the gurney's"[/color] She hurried out, all but stumbling as she rushed to get the gurney's. Nessie? She hadn't even been thinking of her brother. The old, dull ache made itself known, but it was almost welcome. Maybe...maybe it was a good thing. Everyone had to move on sometime. Perhaps twenty years was enough time. Her thoughts went to Sophia, as she reached the storage room. and she let out a slow breath. Perhaps that was why. She wrangled the gurney's out, and hurriedly pushed one back the way she had came, thoughtful. Having someone meaningful in her life...someone she loved...maybe it would soothe old hurts. She placed the gurney out of the way, and hurried back for the second one, her steps more sure, less frantic, but still hurried. Her mind went to the radio. Two horses? She had never seen Astrid or Bridgette without the horses...something must have happened. Something bad. Grabbing the second gurney, Niesha hurried back. This was getting worse, and Niesha looked to Froggy, hesitating. Keeping herself in check, rather then just acting, was hard. Yet she would be subordinate to Froggy, and check before she did things-well, something that might be overstepping. [color=fff000]"Do you want me to actually help, with the injuried?"[/color] She asked, feeling foolish.