[@Caits] [color=gray]"Yes, I believe I am intuitive as you say,"[/color] Silas said as he came back with two plates. He looked at Callie and smiled. [color=gray]"I thought you might prefer to eat a chicken dish hence I made you Garlic-Lemon Double Stuffed Chicken. I certainly hope that you like cheese."[/color] He set the plate in front of Callie with a flourish. [color=gray]"Of course, if you don't like it, I can always fix you something else,"[/color] he assured her before turning his attention to Caius. He placed the other plate in front of him. [color=gray]"And for you, my dear boy, medium rare angus beef. I do hope you enjoy it."[/color] Caius grinned, his stomach growling in response to the smell and sight of the food placed in front of him. [color=turquoise]"I'm sure I will. Your cooking is always a treat and you've never disappointed me before."[/color] He looked at Callie and gestured for her to start eating as he picked up his knife and fork. As they began to eat, Silas disappeared into the kitchen and then came back with two wine bottles in hand. He set two glass flutes in front of the couple and poured white wine for Callie. [color=gray]"Sauvignon Blanc for the lady and..."[/color] he poured red wine for Caius. [color=gray]"...Cabernet Sauvignon for the gentleman."[/color] He smiled as he stepped back, obviously pleased at his handiwork. [Color=gray]"And now, I shall take my leave and let the two of you enjoy your meal. Should you two want anything else, I will be... around."[/color] He gave the two a polite bow and then disappeared back to the kitchen.