[@Zi] [@Shmektheshmuck] [@DeadlyPhoenix] [@Smiter19] [indent]Rena was annoyed at being carried and puffed her face a bit as Saedd abruptly left. "Noone asked you to help..." She muttered as he kept blaming her for this situation. She looked to the apothecary and then around her, trying to keep her mind off of things. The rain was dulling, but something didn't feel right. The aura of the place began to twist and chance, a presence she had not felt in a while. As she came to conclusions, the knight looking man came through the door; carrying on about how he was a vampire. [i]They came looking for me...[/i] She thought as her eyes widened. She remembered the threat that she would be hunted once she was away from the protective eye of the Queen. [i]Shit...[/i] She couldn't move, let alone run away; she was helplessly dependent of the people that had come to her aide. She grabbed the woman's wrist and mouthed, "Get me out of here." Humans were hasty creatures, where as Elves were more strategic. "Over here." A loud voice boomed between the trees as the branches began to move. "She's over here, I can smell her filthy flesh." As the ran dissipated, four larger vampires two in the trees and watched their companion fall. As if it shrug it off, they separated; disappearing into the darkness and circling the wagon.[/indent]