[hider=Linus Macaulay] [b]Name:[/b] Linus Theodore Macaulay [b]Age:[/b] Almost 10 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://postimg.org/image/e6mtr2t6v/][img]https://s23.postimg.org/v75pzr68b/5aeb58f99552caeacd2c219147b9dbac.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] [b]Height:[/b] 4 feet, 2 inches [b]Weight:[/b] 58 pounds [b]Self-Conscious:[/b] Linus is still a bit too young to have a fully developed self esteem. He's fairly blind to his own faults, but at the same time he doesn't think he's better than anyone else. On some level he does understand the concept of social status and that some people are liked better than others, but he's not quite sure where he fits into that system. Again, there's a lot of cognitive development that he hasn't completed yet, so he hasn't made many strides in judging his own character. [b]Family feelings: [/b] Forrest - Forrest's drunken habits scare the crap out of Linus, and Linus tends to be a bit anxious around Forrest because of it. Linus's father is a bad alcoholic, so he's developed a bit of a phobia. Alex - Hasn't met Alex prior to the start of the RP. Gianna - Possibly Linus's favorite cousin, the kid really looks up to Gianna and is constantly vying for her attention. He probably won't really like the fact that she's got a boyfriend now... Jay - Linus doesn't really understand Jay's hatred for his family members, so much like he does with Gianna, he follows Jay around like a lost puppy. Connor - Linus really looks up to his uncle Connor and desperately strives to earn his approval. He's like that with a lot of people, actually. The poor kid doesn't get a lot of acknowledgement at home, so he's pretty starved for affection. [b]Affiliation with family:[/b] The mother's sister's child. Cousin to the kids, nephew to the parents, grandson to the mother's parents, no relation of father's side of the family. [/hider]