[@Vashonn][color=7CFC00] Sounds good to me! I'll look it over, shortly. Everyone...I had planned to start this up quickly, given the influx of players and interest (I really don't want to lose that), but real life is being...well, real life. I had a bit of an emotional break yesterday, when I had intended to start on everything; so I ended up just curling up in bed and being a whiny bitch-girl for a while. However, now that it has happened, I wanna give you guys the news that I'm moving soon. Like, the next two days soon; so the IC will be delayed for a short while. Once I'm moved and settled, I'll get this shit all right and orderly. Sorry. Like, really. I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't dampen our professional relationship. Still looking forward to the RP and writing alongside you awesome folk! Edit: Am I the only one able to rather easily discern what SA's talking about, most of the time? Just curious.[/color]