[hider=Alex Creek] [center][b]Name:[/b] Alexander Creek [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hr][img]http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sites/womenshealthmag.com/files/images/1401-alex-pettyfer-art.jpg[/img][hr] [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 173 lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] (Introverted/Sensing/Thinking/Perception) To most Alex appears cold and standoffish, but those who know him well realize he is just a quiet guy. He can seem rude but that is only because he is very direct and rarely lets bias change how he deals with things unless he REALLY dislikes someone. He is fiercely loyal and if someone hurts or wrongs someone he cares about he will defend them, but he rarely defends himself. He loves bringing characters to life and enjoys making people happy despite not seeming like it. He tends to have issues with trusting people, but if people try hard enough they can gain it. When it comes to Gia he can be a sappy love struck buffoon, but he always does his best to make her happy. [hider=Not entirely necessary bio] [b]Biography:[/b] Alex is the second oldest of his siblings. When he was younger he connected fairly well with others, but eventually someone really close to him betrayed him. Also almost all of the friend groups he has ever been in tend to have a large falling out leaving him to have to decide which side he would join. He never could choose so he always got left behind. He has never had a real relationship either. The only occurrence was in fifth grade he rode on the bus home and sat beside a girl. The whole year they got really close even to the point of having a secret 'boyfriend/girlfriend relationship'. Alex thought it was real but over the summer they lost contact and when they met up the next school year she acted like she had never known him. Over the next couple of years he was constantly bullied yet never stood up for himself. Over this time period he closed himself off to many things primarily when it comes to how he feels. He rarely opens up to anyone now. It takes a long time and much kindness. He is fiercely loyal and will always stand by them but in reverse effect if they break his trust he will never be on their side again unless they go to great lengths to get his forgiveness. Only once starting high school did he start opening up, but what he opened up was really a colder side of him. He didn't connect well with most of the people around him because of the fact that most only looked at the surface and didn't try to get to really know him other than a select few. His years at college, where he studies theater arts, were pretty uneventful except for the moments when he was on stage until he met Gia. [/hider] [b]Family feelings:[/b] Will be edited as others are accepted. [b]Affiliation with family:[/b] Boyfriend to Gia[/center] [/hider]