It has been centuries since the humans were brought into this world. The Earth is now uninhabitable, thanks to the humans. Polluting it and destroying it. If we stay on this planet any longer, we shall all die. The humans have done nothing but kill this planet, we have all stood and watched for so many years, hoping they would change. They never did. Now it is too late, it has come to a time where we must find a new place to live, a new Earth. We must forget our diffences, there is no longer Prey and Predator. We must group and work together to survive. There must be some way we can escape this earth before it is to late, as the Animal Kindom depends on it. The humans won't help us, they care only for themselves. They throw us aside like a piece of trash! Let us work together, to find a way off this planet to find anew. Either by fate or by some miricle, we will survive, we have to! No matter what the cost may be! Ok then, my first group Rp! So in this, you can be any animal you want, and I mean anything! Dog, Cat, Tiger, Lion, Eagle, Hawk, Snake, Lizard, Spider, etc. And as long as you control at least one animal, then you can create a human. We must find a ways to escape the planet before it is too late. Who's interested?