Chara glares back at where Flowey was and huffs before running up the girl and human her tightly. [color=ed1c24]"Oh thank Asgore your an actual person! Help me please!"[/color] She says with a smiled. But right has she said it Flowey wrapped his arms around her chest pulling her back from the other mortal grabbing control of her soul at the same time. [color=ed1c24]"Now go away before,[/color] [color=00a651]I go back into[/color] [color=ed1c24]my room and my knife.[/color][color=00a651]so I can [b]kill you[/b] like I did with everyone else!"[/color] Flowey forces Chara to say there voice switching back and forth in a staticy like tone. Flowey covers her eyes with his hands so he could gain full control of her. Chara eyes becoming pitch black. [@Grifter]