Evina blinked as she was suddenly hugged by the young girl, her eyes widened as her embrace tightened. She blinked a few times before looking down at the girl, her lips parted as she had been about to speak only to be interrupted by the girl hugging her. [color=ed1c24]“Oh thank Asgore you’re an actual person!”[/color] Asgore? An actual person? What? Evina looked at the girl in confusion. Just then the atmosphere suddenly changed, the girl released her grip from Evina and it was then that she had noticed a change in the girl as well. [color=ed1c24]“Now go away before I go back into my room and get my knife so I can kill you like I did with everyone else!”[/color] Evina’s eyes narrowed slightly as the girl’s voice took on different pitches. It was then that the boys all stood before Evina as if in a protective stance, their eyes all drawn to the girl standing before them with pitch black eyes. [color=f7976a]“You need to step away and let us handle this.”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“Yeah, we need you here; you can’t get hurt so leave now.”[/color] Evina looked between the three boys then back over to the girl and laughed maniacally. [color=f49ac2]“You think I am scared of someone like you? Oh please, I have seen roaches in this place bigger than you.”[/color] She snorted before shaking her head and shoving Aedan and Isaac aside. [color=f49ac2]“If you want to kill me, I suggest doing it instead of saying it because if you don’t, I just mi-…”[/color] [color=fff200]“Evina! Chara! What are you two doing out of your rooms? You know the rules, it is lights out time.”[/color] The nurse came hauling down the hallway and standing between the two staring them down with an angry glare. Evina’s nose wrinkled and her eyes narrowed at the woman standing between them. [color=f49ac2]“You know I can’t sleep.”[/color] The nurse sighed and took Evina by the arm. [color=fff200]“Shall we go and see the doctor then? I am sure he can give you something for that.”[/color] Evina forcefully removed her arm from the nurse’s grip. [color=f49ac2]“No, I’m fine…”[/color] The nurse nodded. [color=fff200]“Then go to your room, both of you. If I catch you two out again, I will have to sedate and strap you down.” [/color]