[h2][color=lightblue]Location: Route 13, Excavation Site[/color][/h2] Aiden watched as Steven went on his way, feeling somewhat bad for him in that he didn't just give him the stones, but he wouldn't go against his new friends, not over a few stones for a stranger he met only moments ago. So with their little group alone to talk about what is next on their little plan Aiden listened to both Novis and Roxy over their takes on things before the Fire Stone was tossed to him. Catching it in his hands he looks the thing over before nodding and pocketing it. Truthfully he didn't know what to do with it or when he'd use it, but to have something like that for a rainy day would sure be handy. At that stage Nov started to make his way off for the road and Aiden could share his sentiment. They had their fun at teh dig site, but now it was time to move on, and really Aiden wanted to find a Pokemon Center fast so he could say hello to his new friend... In fact he would have to name him pretty soon. Yet maybe that should wait for him to be ok so that the little Larvitar could have a say in his new name. Just as Aiden was about to step off he felt something bump into his leg, glancing down he saw the adorable little Growlithe running into his ankle. [color=lightblue]"That is absolutely adorable."[/color] he said but before he could give the little guy some attention he ran off to go and run into Roxy's legs. It was then made known of what was bothering him and Nov declared it for all. Everybody was hungry! This was a prime opportunity for him to whip out his mess kit and make up an amazing meal for everybody! When Roxy spoke up to him about a break he had only one thing to say, [color=lightblue]"I think that is a wonderful idea! I can cook a wonderous meal for everybody!"[/color] His excitement at the thought of making a meal for his new friends showing clearly. Zorex was in the same boat and he was... well the best way to describe it would be freaking out. He was running and jumping all around, crying and growling in joy. Even going so far as to tackle hug Lucina. So with the plan made Aiden nodded and with Zorex back on his feet running circles around him the two started to make for the rest stop, Aiden already pulling out pots, pans, and the tools needed to start a fire as well as manage food in it.