[@ADamnFiddle] Hey Fiddle, I still need you to call for Babylon or Scandinavia. If you could back me up on Babylon that would be great. For the power rankings I think they did a good job. You have stuff like Indian legends with Bhima being able to win a tug of war with 10,000 elephants, multiple super weapons being thrown around, and vast armies of demons being annihilated without breaking a sweat. Then you have Hero's from the Trojan War who are listed as being godlike fighters because they killed 15 men in one day. You need some kind of balance between these two. Achilles is one of the most legendary warriors of all time, probably [i]the[/i] most, and he should be able to fight Karna, even if a direct comparison of their two legends would not seem to sugest this. [@Cojemo] Sinbad: That's interesting. I did read some version of Sinbad but it was a long long time ago. I know that he has a long list of adventures, so you probably have a lot of interesting stuff that could go in there. He's a pretty nice dude in the end though, or he would never have hosted that begger that gets him telling his story to begin with. I wonder if it would be possible to do anything with the living island sea monster that he escapes from... maybe instead of having the Roc that he can ride around, he has some sort of ability that allows him to summon and trick these various giant monsters into serving him. For example, hiding on the Rocs back and such, maybe he could do the same with the seamonster. For Drona, I guess in a way the cat is already out of the bag on that one. Whenever you have a Heroic Spirit that's incredibly strong, anyone who contended with them in their legend must have also been similarly strong and such, so, when the Nausaverse makes one Heroic Spirit at a Alexander the Great level, they are sort of indirectly making about 6 or 7 at the same level, in the case of the Mahabharata. Aside from the Brahmanda astra superweapon though, would you concede that Drona's not as strong as Gilgamesh? Also, because the Indian conception of the world is radically difrent from the modern one, it is probable that the Brahmanda astra would not have the power it is said to in its legend. While Indian mythology is quite old, about 3,000 years, compared to something like the 6 or 7 thousand year old Ea the Brahmanda astra is fairly young, and would not have the same power of origin as Ea. Im just really hesitant to concede that there would be 2 planet destroying artifacts within the world, and with one being half the age of the first. Especially when Gilgamesh states that there is no Noble Phantasm to compare with Ea. This is another Heroic Spirit I made in the past but never had a chance to do much with: King Naresuan, the King of Thailand in the 16 hundreds. He's a great general, master warrior, hand to hand martial arts legends, gunslinger, and elephant rider. Basically, there are not that many Elephant Rider Riders, and combined with his Kung Fu (muay thai, really) I thought he would be a really interesting versatile guy. Especially when he then pulls out pistols and has a crack at you. With his Elephant having a weapons rack on its back acting as a mini armory he would be able to engage in every form of combat, from ranged, swords, spears, hand to hand, and mounted, his mastery of all of these forms being noted in his legend. I might need to give him some sort of personal skill that alows him to overcome the class limitations of weapon specialization though...