[@Damo021] I'll post him here so you can see lol gimme a minute Edit: this would be why [hider=Mangus Bane] [center] [color=yellow] [h1]Magnus Bane[/h1] [img]http://i0.wp.com/www.thefandom.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/140493_2245.jpg?resize=465%2C310[/img] [hr] [h1]General[/h1] Name: Magnus Bane Gender: Male Species: Druid Occupation: veternarian Place of origin: Unknown Age: 23 (not aging) (real age 350) Date of birth: January 15 1667 Scent: Woodsy scent [hr] [h1]Appearance[/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a5/fa/18/a5fa1820a62a8eb0ea9c3d54883245e4.jpg[/img] [h3]In-depth[/h3] Magnus stands at 5 foot 9 and is lean muscled. He is very much into lavish styles but can wear casual clothing when he really wants to or has to. His eyes are a honey color and where the weres have their eyes he has his. He can flash his eyes to show that he isn't human. They appear gold in color with the slits of a snake. His eyes have the slight slanting of Asian heritage. His hair is black and often reminds people of an oil slick with how dark it is and how it appears to have almost a blueish tint to it. He is not afraid to wear eyeliner or even nail polish when he wants to. [hr] [h1]Relationship Info[/h1] [img]http://s14.favim.com/orig/160511/harry-shum-jr-magnus-bane-gif-shadowhunters-Favim.com-4299254.gif[/img] Status: Single Sexuality: bisexual Partner: none Mother: deceased Father: deceased Siblings: none Pets: none. (He takes care of the animals at the clinic as if they were his though) Other: none [hr] [h1]Personal Info[/h1] *Sassy*Honest*Loyal*Confident* Magnus is not one to hide away. He is one to make jokes yet is brutally honest. If you can't handle it it's not his problem after all you asked no? However, those he is loyal to he is fiercely loyal. He would stitch that person up and then tell them how stupid whatever they did was and that would be a sign of caring from him. He does seem a bit closed off though. He knows he'll be around for a long time and that has seemed to prevent him from going beyond friendship like love. Though it can be hard to love someone who is fully willing to tell you whatever you are thinking of doing is a dumb idea. He despises liars and is horribly offended at even the smallest lie. Likes: +Animals +honesty +martinis +making an entrance Dislikes: -Liars -Hunters -Hypocrites Hobbies: Magnus likes to practice his runes in his spare time. He also likes to play the paino and go people watching. Sometimes the mall or the library. It's a weird hobby but apparently people are interesting to him. Bars are a favorite spot because drunks are amusing. Strengths: Underestimated: Magnus seems small and really unable to lift much, but leans muscle is deceiving. He can lift 190 pounds without breaking a sweat. Or even messing up his hair. Nimble: Magnus is capable of skills such as parkour Runes: Magnus is an expert with runes and can create some that are barely visible. Speed: by no means is he as fast as a were, but he seems able to go quick quickly. Possibly an ability given for a ritual. Weaknesses: Killable: Magnus can be killed a bit easier then something like a werewolf. He makes up for that by being as hard to kill as possible. Cryptic: Magnus has a lot of knowledge in his brain, but sometimes he likes to give information in a cryptic way. This can be a weakness because the person he is trying to help figures it out too late. Though this could be an advantage if he's cryptic with a bad person. Brief bio: Magnus can't remember much about his parents. Not just because he was born so long ago, but because they were killed by a werecat. He was taken in by a group of Druid and raised with the ways of their people. Though he always but an eccentric touch to it. At the age of 18 he was considered old enough to find a were pack of his own to advise and so was unleashed upon the world. He became aligned with a pack of were dingos first. An experience that was interesting for all involved. He was 20 at the time and clearly had to prove himself. An opportunity came when one of the pups was bit by a venomous snake. She was dieing and acting fast Magnus performed a ritual. One involving a snake and misltoe. A very old ritual that resulted in the pup healing thanks to the ritual being performed on his nemeton at the time. The pup was fine Magnus was now trusted all seemed well. He ended up falling for the pup and the two were happy...she had imprinted after all. A few years later the were dingo pack had been hunted down and the entire pack was killed. Magnus was severely wounded and ended up trying to save his love and himself. The nemeton was not as powerful as the one in klemith falls and his love did not make it...Magnus however did. His loves energy healed him and granted him some special abilities since he attempted to use a snake as a sort of filter.He gained acidic blood and healing that day. He does not talk about that event and basically floated through the rest of the years. That is until he aligned himself with Alpha of the pack of the falls. He finds them incredibly intriguing and enjoys the area. Even taking up the job under the Seraphina as a veterinarian. [hr] [h1]Druid Information[/h1] Magnus being a Druid has his specialities in runes and rituals. Some can be healing while others will severely damage. No need to write: Magnus is at the point where he doesn't need to physically carve the surface for his runes. Now he can think the rune in his mind and swipe his hand over it leaving behind the desired rune. He can not do this all the time though as this does require a bit of energy for each one and when he does so his eyes shift. Animal scout: he is able to see what an animal of choice sees for a short amount of time Poisonous: his blood is deadly thanks to the ritual from long ago. If his blood were to get into someone's blood stream or ingested it could do some real damage. Healing: Magnus has a bit of healing but only enough to speed up a process. A gun shot to the heart or other fatal location would effectivly kill him. The sight: Magnus can see ones true self when he wants to. For the weres he can see their eyes and can tell they aren't human. Dingos and wolves are hard to tell apart because the eyes are similar. The rest are fairly easy for him. Magic: in exchange for blood given to soil or a nemeton Magnus posses a bit of magic. Nothing close to a witch, but it's enough for defense. [hr] [h1]Theme Song[/h1] [img]http://mortalinstruments.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/1a1.jpg[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/Y2V6yjjPbX0]Hands clap-Fitz and the Tantrums[/url] Turn it up Somebody save your soul 'cause you've been sinning in this city, I know Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losing control You're like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold I want the good life, every good night you're a hard one to hold 'Cause you don't even know I can make your hands clap Said I can make your hands clap [hr] [/color] [/center] [/hider]