If this is still open, I'm in! [hider=Linus Teague-Winslet (Mostly done. I might flesh this out a bit more later)] [hr][hr][center][url=https://postimg.org/image/ritnu4nen/][img]https://s27.postimg.org/80z0e6qgz/99ccf926783ca849383a0a231ece2825.png[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/app.php][/url][/center][hr][hr] [center][url=https://postimg.org/image/q13jid6g9/][img]https://s28.postimg.org/66hhw8r8t/5aeb58f99552caeacd2c219147b9dbac.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url][/center][hr][hr] [hr][hr][center][h1]General Information[/h1][/center][hr][hr] Name: Linus Teague-Winslet (Though this is likely some sort of alias) Nicknames: Doesn't particularly like nicknames. Gender: Male Species: Witch Occupation: Student Place Of Origin: Inverness, Scotland Age: Unclear. If asked, he claims to be 13, but he looks 10. Date Of Birth: Again, nobody really knows for sure. Even he won't answer this. Scent: Pencil shavings and cigarettes. Appearance - Human [center][url=https://postimg.org/image/m729fbfap/][img]https://s24.postimg.org/pqo754i0l/85e99fd46c9c702f943df8814b49b807.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/app.php][/url][/center] [hr][hr][center][h1]Relationship Information[/h1][/center][hr][hr] Relationship Status: Single, naturally. Though his real age isn't known, he looks much too young to be in serious romantic/sexual relationships. Sexuality: Doesn't know, really. Partner: Nobody. Father: Unknown, likely deceased. Mother: Unknown, likely deceased. Siblings: If he ever had any, they're likely deceased. Pet/s: None, though he enjoys the company of the local stray cats. Other: None. [hr][hr][center][h1]Personal Information[/h1][/center][hr][hr] Personality ♦ Sly ♦ Self-Centered ♦ Reckless ♦ Emotionally Fragile ♦ Linus is a rotten little scoundrel of a street rat if there ever was one. Smug, dishonest and certainly not above committing crimes to keep ahead, one would think he'd get annoying very quickly. But as much as he's morally skewed, he cares for those who have less than him and is often seen sharing his stolen property with the local homeless people, feeding stray cats and offering help to whoever asks. So while he may be little more than a local nuisance, he's not an entirely bad person. He's a very impulsive kid, and seems to be very sensitive and prone to overreacting emotionally. He's also got a pretty bad nicotine addiction, indicating that his problems with self control are nothing new. Despite this, he's actually extremely clever for... whatever age he is, evidenced by his ability to thrive in such an unforgiving environment for such a long period of time. Though he's probably never attended school, he fluently speaks two languages and is very literate for a kid. His refusal to just go into state foster care indicates that he has a lot of pride and would rather die alone and starving than admit defeat and allow the government to help him. This is an odd mindset for someone who looks so young to have, to say the least. He also may not be as morally skewed as all that, really. Though he seems completely okay with tormenting the rich, he'd never commit a crime against someone weaker than himself. So, in short, he's got some serious issues, but some innate good nature shines through that. Wherever he goes in life, he's probably got a lot ahead of him. | Likes & Dislikes | ✔ Stealing ✔ Milk ✔ Practical Jokes ✔ Smoking (Though he never seems to suffer any changes to his outward appearance for it. His lungs, however, are quite damaged by his little habit) ✔ Candy ✘ Loud, Sudden or High-Pitched Noises ✘ Losing ✘ Being Perceived as Childish ✘ Pollen (Allergic) ✘ Shellfish (Allergic) Hobbies: He has a bit of a problem with stealing. He doesn't even really need most of the stuff he steals, he just does it for shits and giggles at this point. He also enjoys drawing, making hand puppets, climbing around on trees and rooftops, playing with stray cats and exploring. Strengths: ♦ Courageous ♦ Crafty and Street-Smart ♦ Bilingual (English and French Weaknesses: ♦ Physically Weak (On top of being small and skinny, Linus is epileptic, has asthma, several allergies and poor stamina, and also just generally has a weak immune system) ♦ Hydrophobic ♦ Selfish ♦ Kleptomaniac History: Almost nothing is known about where Linus Teague-Winslet actually came from. He lives in the streets most of the time, occasionally staying the night in other peoples' attics and basements when the weather is bad enough. Though on several occasions people have attempted to put him in a State Ward, he's always gone the next day, so the authorities really only bother chasing after him if he's stolen something they want back. Given that his name is likely an alias, it's almost impossible to tell who his parents were or where he's from. He speaks with a strong Scottish accent, but there's always the possibility that he's faking it. Though he's more friendly and helpful than most people give him credit for, he has no friends and if he weren't so street smart, he'd likely be rotting away figuratively in a state ward or rotting away literally in some back alley somewhere. He's on his own and whatever is in his past, it's a well kept secret. [hr][hr][center][h1]Witch Information[/h1][/center][hr][hr] I'm not really sure what goes here... just the stuff from the original post? [hr][hr][center][h1]The Other[/h1][/center][hr][hr] For whatever reason, Linus always carries a dented, tarnished brass compass with him. The thing looks centuries old and probably doesn't even work any more, but it seems to hold some sentimental value to the kid. [hr][hr][center][h1]Theme Song[/h1][/center][hr][hr] Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm really bad at picking these. [/hider]