[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: Heard County High School[/center] [hr] Amelia wondered about her current situation for a little while after the group left for Newnan. There we things in her future that vaguely whispered that it may be possible for the situation to get even better. Currently she was with a group of mostly trusty people who didn't seem to hold any malice towards her, she found friends in the form of Mike who somehow managed to sneak his way into her friends list despite her usual shyness and reluctance to make friends. Well the end of the world had a way of speeding the forming of relationships between people. [color=8dc73f]“Hey, Mike, shall we head back towards the sleeping quarters now?”[/color] The girl asked, throwing glances around before stopping and looking at him. With the group having left, they didn't really have anything else to deal with right now and she was going to be very happy if they could go back there at a quiet place. Maybe talk some more before heading to an early sleep. She certainly felt like she needed a good rest and having him around made her feel more secure.