[center][color=2E8B57][h2]Duncan MacAiden[/h2][/color] [img]https://s12.postimg.org/vqqln3nv1/saitama_2.gif[/img] [@Kitsune][@ZekariVoblis][@Lucius Cypher][@liferusher][@Seirei No Hai][@Letter Bee][@PhoenixRising][/center] Duncan was a very simple kind of man with easily understood thought processes; he was covered in booze. And broken glass. And sawdust... and he'd just made an ass of himself in the establishment owned by people who put him up for the night pro-bono by shoving a guy who, for all intents and purposes, looked like he could [i]eat[/i] him through the air, out the door and [i]across the goddamn street[/i]. Understandably, the only thing on Duncan's mind right now was going upstairs, getting cleaned up and trying to figure what the actual [i]fuck[/i] was going on with his own bo- "I must apologize. It seems that in my unseemly haste to make things better..." Duncan halted, his expression immediately growing cold. [color=2E8B57][i]'God. Fucking. [B]Damn it.[/B]'[/I][/color] The kid was back. He was blocking his way. He was pontificating again. ...And [i]blatantly ogling him like a piece of meat[/i] the whole while. It appeared that after getting lost in medieval fantasy land, getting blown up, sifting through corpses all night and then waking up to having a hand, bottle and chair broken over his head the bald man had finally encountered the last straw. One by one, Duncan could almost [i]feel[/i] the old mechanisms his grandfather and the army left in his psyche come to life as his gaze hardened, his arms crossed and he grew very, [i]very[/i] quiet. All in all, he looked absolutely livid. Something Alexander would've probably noticed if he was actually looking him in the eye. "...But, sir, it seems that we may be bound by common interests and origins, and despite my childish recklessness, it seems that we have much to offer each other...especially as you seem surprised that you have superhuman strength, yet I can see the glow of Magic on y-" [color=2E8B57]"Let me be perfectly clear, the only reason why you're not writhing on the ground right now, crying and choking on what remains of your own [i]jaw[/i] is because I kinda like the people who run this place and don't want to make a bigger mess here than I already have."[/color] He spoke, calmly and evenly though every word that left his throat dripped with absolute murder. [color=2E8B57]"And right now, I honestly couldn't give a single boiling [i]shit[/i] about what you have to 'offer' me."[/color] That out of the way the veteran took a step forward and leaned in slightly, speaking directly into the boy's ear so there would be no room for doubt or confusion about his one simple ultimatum. [color=2E8B57][i]"Now get the [b]fuck[/b] outta my way."[/i][/color]