[b][i]Alexander Sky[/i][/b] Alexander stepped out of the way; he wasn't suicidal. [i]That could have gone better,[/i] his mind spoke. [i]You're a bit self-centred, you know that?[/i] Once out of Duncan's way, the eighteen-year old boy looked around, finally putting his investigative skills to good use. And this is what he found out: One, everyone didn't like him, or even barely tolerated him. Two, he was pursuing a course of action that would keep people disliking him. Three, like a kid without an adult to keep him from touching a hot kettle, he was going to keep doing it because he was a stubborn, selfish shit. Four, he didn't want to be a stubborn, selfish shit, but considering how he had alienated too many good people already, perhaps it was too late to stop. [i]No, that's wrong,[/i] part of his mind said. [i]You can always stop being shitty. Just take courage.[/i] [i]I still feel mistreated,[/i] whined the worst part of Alexander. The young man breathed in. [i]Stop trying to grab people's attention.[/i] The sensible part of him continued to speak. [i]Get Sean. Make a tactical withdrawal before things are too late. There's no shame in retreat when staying makes things worse.[/i] [I]I don't control Sean,[/i] Alexander replied to himself. [i]I'll let him talk to the Elf first. In the meantime...[/i] "I'm sorry," the boy said to empty air once Duncan was completely away. Then, he went to an empty seat and just sat there, contemplating how he had managed to make such a mess of things... [@Lucius Cypher][@Seirei no Hai][@Zelosse][@liferusher][@Sir Lurksalot][@Letter Bee][@ZekariVoblis][@Noodles]