[img]http://i64.tinypic.com/a2rciq.jpg[/img] [b]Charles "Charlie" Franco Cusimano[/b] Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight Age: 28 Job/Career: Lawyer (Specializes in injury based lawsuits.) Personality: Boisterous and lively, but also reserved and careful during conversation, loves the fast life and being rich, can be down casting towards the impoverished, a party goer. Backstory [hider=Hider] Charles Cusimano grew up in the Bronx to a Latino father and a Caucasian mother. Even though he was an only child, his family was still poor and struggled through hardship at times. His father was a garbage man and his mother was a waitress at a local Denny's. Growing up in a shoddy apartment and watching his parents struggle was a lifelong motivator for Charles to make something of himself. Even in grade school he pushed himself to achieve only the best grades and perform the best on the schools' sports teams. All through junior high and high school he was reverted by his teachers and coaches alike for his fine performances in the classroom and on the football field. His senior year of high school he finished with a 4.0 and a scholarship offer to play football at St.John's in New York. In the end, he turned this down and went to law school at Harvard and graduated at the top of his class. To this day he is reaping the benefits of his smart decisions, settling for only the best of everything. His parents live in Battery Park now on Manhattan, just a few neighborhoods away from Charles. With the finest house, the best clothes, and the nicest car, many would believe Charles to be a man who has everything. Charles however doesn't agree. The one thing he definitely doesn't haves, and has [b]never[/b] had, pains him more than the many other things he doesn't have. That would be true love. The man has never had a steady relationship, or a girlfriend even.Only one night stands he has had with club skags and college party girls. Cheap sex followed by never seeing one another again. This pains him to the core. He has never felt love for anyone aside from his parents, his family. He wants to love, he wants to love deeply. And not being able to stir feelings within himself is killing him internally. He hates that he is hollow and has an empty heart, and he wants desperately to change it, no matter what. [/hider] Likes: His job, Basketball, Football, Boxing, Italian Food, Chinese Food, Night Clubs, Money, Wines and Champagne, Sports cars, Romance movies and novels Dislikes: Boring women, his rivals in the Law business/rival lawyers, lower class people/the impoverished, baseball, festivities, carnivals, and parades.