[hider=Jay _____] [center]Name: Jay [insert surname] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/39/c0/da/39c0da85cb7d94a9dcf35b018111b484.jpg[/img] Age: 24 Years Old Height: 6'1" Weight: 179 Self-Conscious Jay is very confident in himself, stranding away from the pack of degenerates he used to live with. He loves his mother as he believes he is the favorite son and never attempts to defy his father. As his parents age with time, Jay takes it upon himself to visit and take care of any of their needed chores. He doesn't owe them anything, but tries to do good in times of financial chaos. Though deep inside, he is not the prodigal son he wishes he was. Family feelings As the oldest son and only seeming caretaker, Jay sees all of his brothers and sisters as worthless pieces of shit that have basically abandoned their blood. Family is the most important thing to him, but at times he is clouded by the poor actions of his people. He does his best to be optimistic, but when the time arrives when optimism does not bind, he's able to snap. [/center][/hider]