[hider=Sam Larkin] Code: Name: Sam Larkin. Birthplace: United Kingdom. Date of Birth: December 21st, 1998. Education: Sixth Form College. Gender: Male. Marital Status: Single. Nationality: British citizen. Occupation: IT Apprentice. Religion: Agnostic, bordering on Protestant Christian. Residence: 92 Redcliff Street, Bristol (BS1 6LU), England. Sexuality: Bisexual. Apparel: Jeans, skating shoes (converse), casual shirt and usually a hoodie. Body Type: Thin and a bit lanky. Eyes: Hazel and happy. Features: Birthmark under his right eye, five small specks of off coloured skin. Cute face, soft eyes, often smiling. Hair: A mess of short, but thick brown hair. Combed when he's told to. He isn't told to often. Height: 5 ft 11". Says he's 6 ft. Weight: 136 pounds, 62 kg. Personality: Kind, and thoughtful. Loyal to a fault, and hardworking (when it suits him), otherwise he's awkward, easy to panic and quick to fear. Concerning himself, he's a coward, concerning others, he's equal parts fight and flight. The type of person to hope he would do the right thing, but unsure if he really could. Powers: Crisis of Breath - You compel the subject to purge its entire store of air in one explosive exhalation, and thereby disrupt the subject’s autonomic breathing cycle. The subject’s lungs do not automatically function again while the power’s duration lasts. If the target mentally resists the compulsion, it is unaffected by that moment's use of the power. If it fails to resist, it can still continue to breathe by actively gasping for breath. An affected creature can attempt to take actions normally (instead of consciously controlling its breathing), but risks blacking out from a lack of oxygen. This power takes a few seconds to manifest, and lasts for 30 seconds. History: Sam had finished schooling. He had decided about university but soon decided against it. The costs were too high and he felt it was more than time he started earning a wage rather than an allowance. He got in with a decent company, and as his birthday came up, his mum surprised him with a paid trip to the US, across several different states, all mapped out for him. He smiled, it was often like her to go overboard, and though he was a bit peeved that he had to waste most of his vacation days on it (he always liked to have a few in reserve), he was elated to tour the states. He was staying in a three star hotel, the Maxwell Hotel, close to the Lake Union Park, barely a fifteen minute walk away, when, as he opened the room door to settle in for the night (he was up chatting with a girl who found his 'london' accent nice, and he didn't have the heart to tell her he was from Bristol), he realized things didn't quite look right from his window. He saw horns, talons, leathery wings and the things they were attached to. He swallowed, he coughed, he felt the air knock from his lungs and he started hyperventilating, he had to focus on every individual breath or they just wouldn't come out. The things out there, they weren't birds, and they certainly weren't planes... And that joke had never felt any more inappropriate.[/hider]