Adelfa looked at her old, beat up 2003 Cobra. The red paint was chipping as well as the tint on the windows. She was parked between several other race cars, feeling somewhat ashamed by her bucket. "Think I stand a chance?" she asked her brother. "No, but hey, it's for the fun of it, right?" Calix asked, standing next to his car. It was obvious he was nervous about the races, even though they weren't for another day. "Surprised you're so calm about this," Adelfa chuckled. "If it's for your birthday..." Calix murmured. Adelfa laughed out loud, "Then I make it up for your birthday too, right?" "Definitely." "Hey, look at that car," Adelfa said, pointing out the Mustang. She walked over to it, not waiting for her brother, and looked at the driver, "Hey, nice car."