Mable Mable was the first to enter the common area Ban was watching. Mable was already strumming her lute trying to decide the perfect song for this city. A trail of small mice leading her inside. Mable smiled at Ban at she entered eyeing him with interest. In that moment she began to play a simple song that started out sad the melody disjointed and broken before raising the song's tempo giving it power. She thought it summed up the person before her in his dark black armor. When the song was over Mable at near the man still gently playing a more cheery tune as a reward for the mice who had lead her here. Kalabath "A good nose could lead you far" Kalabeth reminded herself as she returned to Uta's encampment having scouted the nearby town. Kalabath could still taste the blood of the farmers on her fangs the warm sinew in between her jaws. Kalabath had been sent to raid and pillage the towns to the south. The idea was to spread rumors of wolf attacks drawing away the guards from there posts for ambushes by Uta. Kalabath could smell Uta's displeasure from here so kept her distance watching her mistress from nearby.