[hider=corrected: Ha-Yun Oh // Sun-Ae] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fNAS06d.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][h1][color=0072bc]H A - Y U N[/color] /// [color=0072bc]S U N - A E[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/03/9d/9c/039d9c6c3df3bdfd45707bd942aff88b.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc][b]"Shall we dance?”[/b][/color][/center] [color=black][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=0072bc][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ha-Yun Oh[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]A V A T A R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Sun-Ae[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]18[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ha-Yun has heterochromia in real life. She used to be rather sensitive about it, but with time she took a liking to it, making it one of her defining traits. Due to this, its only natural to her avatar to have heterochromia as well. In real life, her eyes are green and amber, but on her character even more vibrant and striking colors adorn her face. More specifically a bright red color and a deep blue. Ha-Yun always liked to dance. On her performances she tints her hair with different colors to draw more attention to her. As such, her character's hair is of a pure and bright white. Apart from the cat ears and the tail (hey... they are trendy, ok? And every girl likes them nowadays, they are so cute!! :-3) her avatar isnt that different from her, since Ha-Yun is very comfortable with her own appearance.[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ha-Yun was born in a very wealthy family, and was always treated like a noble. As such, she was also required to be the perfect lady and heir to her family, stressing her a lot. All that "perfection" they required from her made her have problems with her appearance, even developing anorexia. After a treatment, she learned to be more comfortable with her own appearance (well... she ended up becoming a little too much comfortable with it... wearing striking clothes, dying her hair with vibrant colors...). As she grew up, she became a very beautiful woman, contributing even more to the confidence she felt on her own appearance, having no shame in showing her body and charm. Ha-Yun is very friendly and kind woman to those who show kindness, and can be a little... over friendly and clingy. Even though she can be like that, she was raised in a rigid and wealthy family, and believes that coming from a powerful family means that its her responsibility to keep things "in order", even if she needs to do something that others wouldn't approve. Its very hard for her to lose her cool but she cant stand arrogant people and those who think that they are better than others. When interacting with these people, she will often lose her cool and respond to their provocations by humiliating them using a very sharp tongue and cruel words, always maintaining a "noble" posture. Very curious and easygoing, she will not hold back her thoughts and impulses, if someone catches her attention she will be drawn to that person (usually not respecting their personal space or privacy). She can be very flirty if someone catches her eyes. [/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Due to her low self-esteem and not being confident about her own appearance, she underwent a treatment, which included playing games in order to "create" the ideal self image as an avatar, and with time, changing it to reflect her own appearance. Not surprisingly, she started to like playing games and even after the treatment ended, she continued doing so. They were always so more fun and lively than the normal world. People in real world tired Ha-Yun... Always wearing masks, living lies, never being honest with others and themselves. It was just like they... forgot they were lying and started to live their own lies... Ironically, in MMOs, where one could wear a "virtual" mask and be completely anonymous, people were so more.... honest. They lived how they really wanted to live in the real world, they seemed so more happy and healthy. That was exactly why Ha-Yun started to like MMOs and other games. For her, games were more than just a hobby, they were a way to run from the pressure from real life, a place where she could dance without suffering the pressures from doing it professionally and just be happy. Every new game that promised to be more "immersive" and realistic you could expect her to be playing it. Every day, after the endless activities she was forced to do such as dance performances, lessons, and other "noble" activities, she locked herself in her room and did the only thing that made her happy: immersed herself in the virtual world and forgot about everything. When the word about a new game, Pariah started to appear in the internet forums, Ha-Yun got interested in it almost instantly. The things that this new game promised to do were almost too good to be true. [/color][/indent] [color=black][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=0072bc][sub]R O L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]DPS / Support[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]A F F I L A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Draethir[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Dancer[/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]W E A P O N O F C H O I C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [hider="Ring Blade"] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcalibur/images/c/c5/Eiserne_Drossel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080806015202[/img] [/hider] A very unique weapon that resembles the decorated hoops she uses in some of her dances, it uses beautiful and very complex circular movements, using the dancer's own body to give the weapon more momentum, its a very unpredictable weapon, and can be very tricky to defend. On the other hand, the nature of this weapon is so dangerous that it could literally mean dismemberment or death if used by those who dont have enough skill. [/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]B E N C H M A R K S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray][hider=Physical][b]Dancer's Agility[/b] – Sun-Ae's graceful movements hide powerful and flexible muscles which make her capable of performing very impressive acrobatic moves and an uncanny agility and flexibility. Her complete lack of armor also contribute to this, making her a very difficult target to hit. [b]Dal Niente, Al Niente[/b] – Sun-Ae is capable of moving very fast around the battlefield, being able of impressive speeds in order to eliminate specific targets. With her mobility, positioning means nothing, as she can use her speed and dance movements to confound her enemies, making them unable to predict where she will go or from where she will attack. [b]Crescendo[/b] – The nature of Sun-Ae's movements and unique weapon is so that both hers and her weapon's circular motions can counter-attack at the same time as parrying an enemy's attack. [b]Fortissimo[/b] – Using her entire body's weight and mass to build her weapon's momentum, it can deal very devastating attacks without compromising her agility. Her enemies often get surprised by the force behind her agile and fast attacks. [b]Stanza[/b] – Sun-Ae can change her stance, changing her style completely. While in the second stanza, her attacks are 55% weaker and do not pack as much force as they would normally (often being able only to inflict only painful, but not serious or disabling wounds) , her movement speed is 35% slower, but she is able to parry multiple attacks while performing her special dances. These special dances affect all allies and enemies (depending on the dance) and will provide buffs or debuffs until she stops dancing.[/hider] [hider=Mental][b]Musical Hearing[/b] – Sun-Ae's trained hearing can differentiate the sounds she hear, being able to hear a conversation clearly even in the middle of many other sounds. [b]Intoxicating Charm[/b] – She can use her body and charm to persuade or trick people from the opposite sex. This can also often lead to unwanted situation, such as male monsters or creature enter in a "frenzied" state, being more dangerous. [b]Strategist[/b] – Due to her extensive studies, she is actually a very good Strategist. If an army or a group of enemies has any kind of organization, she can deduce how it was made, being able to know exactly where their leader would be, or where the healers or mages are. [b]Bravura & Allegro[/b] – A set of lively dances that bolster friendly units capabilities, buffing their attack values and defenses or restoring their stamina and health over time, depending on the dance she uses. [b]Tragedia & Terore[/b] – A set of darker, more chaotic dances which can debuff enemies, causing fear, making their attacks weaker or even causing an DoT (damage over time) pain status depending on which dance she uses.[/hider] [/color][/indent] [color=0072bc][sub]R O U G H V I R T U A L H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Sun-Ae: this name is widely known on many big towns from the game. The wonderful dancer, beautiful yet full of thorns. She is known for being an unattainable muse by the bards and males and by having quite a sharp tongue when needed. Her curiosity also made her stick her noses in places where she shouldn't have, causing some problems to her. She spends her days on Pariah performing on different towns, sightseeing exploring the town and their denizens, hunting, sometimes having to defend herself because she heard or saw too much... In Pariah's dark corners though, there is a rumor running about of a certain dancer and very skilled assassin, that only take contracts depending on who is her target. Some said that she only take contracts against "bad" people. The fact is that this dancer disappeared from the dark corners. There are still some who search for her, but no one could know that the one they were searching for was the beautiful, heartwarming dancer who cheers everyone with her performances, the curious dancing cat.[/color][/indent][/hider]