Solid, smooth, white—like packed snow. Olivie stared at it, marveling at the brilliant ivory sheen that practically radiated from it, but before long she grew bored. Idly she stood up from her crouched position and took a look around. In every direction, the ground sloped away, but somehow the girl got the feeling that she wasn't standing on some snowy mount. Besides, she didn't feel cold at all; in fact, a pleasantly warm air lay upon her, if anything. Much hotter, she guessed, and the atmosphere might become sweltering. As she looked around, Olivie realized that her surroundings defied description. Inky darkness stretched in all directions, but by peered down around the rounded ground's curviture she could tell from the white glint that pitch-black water extended below in parallel to the starless night sky above. Olivie did not like the lack of stars. Their absence made her feel alone until, with a jump, she remembered that nothing about her current situation was possible. She couldn't remember coming here, but she could remember going to sleep bone-tired in a room belonging to a run-down Pokemon Center in a place called Stillwater. [i]“Oh. I'm dreaming.”[/i] How bizarre. Aside from the strangeness of the earth, sea, and sky, things seemed remarkably ordinary. The uneasiness that prickled her hinted that this might not be her first dream. In quick succession, Olivie pinched herself, did a jumping jack, and brushed out her hair with her hands. How real everything felt! [i]”Looks like I'm not wakin' up anytime soon.”[/i] Wondering what lay in store for her, the brunette scanned the only discernible thing in sight: the ground beneath her feet. The perfectly spherical island she stood upon displayed a variety of craters, big and small. It also gave off the only light in the otherwise empty void that stared back at her no matter which way she turned. [i]”Oh, it's the moon. Hah. I'm on the moon.”[/i] Olivie found that discovery pretty silly. Unacknowledged by the beauteous bruiser, a lightheadedness settled over her akin to giddiness. Due to the absurdity of this place, maybe, she found it hard to focus. She found herself staring at her clothing, noticing that it was as featurelessly white as the moon. Turning once more to look for anything of interest, Olivie spotted something at the edge of her vision. Another few seconds of twisting and pivoting finally brought the anomaly into view. A stretched orb, reminiscent of a golden drop, floated above the ground, suspended by a long, white cord like a lure on a fishing line. Olivie reached out and grabbed it before giving it a tug. Instantly, a yanking pain blossomed on her upper forehead, and when the girl reached up to massage the area, she found a stalk protruding from her head. Grinning like an idiot at the ridiculousness of it all, she confirmed the presence of two of the chitinous stalks that stuck out of her hair and curled downward to hang close to her ankles. [i]”What the hell? Antennae. I musta had some bad water or somthin'...”[/i] Her distraction came to an abrupt end when the moon gave a violent jerk. Olivie fell to her knees, and a curtain of white shrouded her. For a moment she remained still in surprise, but a tentative hand poked through the curtain easily. Its touch, and a matching sensation in her scalp, gave rise to another befuddling conclusion. [i]My hair?[/i] A moment passed before the nineteen-year-old brushed it back. With her vision restored, she beheld a scene that left her speechless. The dark waters lapping at the shore of the moon had risen. Only a few meters in every direction remained to Olivie now, but it wasn't a sense of impending doom that made her quiver in fear. Two enormous hands made of the black water, with claws for fingers, rested upon the ground. They belonged to a massive, formless specter that rose halfway from the depths, a living shadow that loomed over her. In its twisted head was set a single, sea-blue eye, more brilliant and piercing than an icicle, and around its head swirled a mane of snowy white. Olivie's fiery spirit, drowned by the wave of terror washing over her from that horrible eye, availed her nothing. She cowered, tears streaming down her cheeks, until a torrent of purple spilled from the ghastly being's mouth toward her. It took the form of a hundred clawed hands reaching toward her, and the sight of them kicked into action all the will to live the girl could muster. She leaped up and lashed out with her hands, fists of gold flashing and forth with amazing speed, but she could not hold back the tide. The hands seized her, binding her like chains, and she could only watch as the horror's true arms dug their talons into the moon and began to pry it apart. From within the white orb a violet luster shone forth—Olivie instantly knew it was something precious. Unable to scream, she could only watch as the darkness pulled the giant egg apart and, in a maelstrom of darkness, swallowed all light. [color=954535]”Waaaaahaaahaaa!”[/color] Olivie shrieked, jerking upright. For a moment she couldn't move, and with furious strength she tore at her bindings. The bedsheets gave way, and Olivie tumbled onto the floor. She scrambled to her feet and stood, her chest heaving. One step at a time she affirmed that all she'd seen had been nothing more than a dream. No ghost...check. No antennae...check. No long white hair...check. No moon...she tottered to the window and pulled it open. Through it she could see Stillwater, a quiet and mostly dark village, and above it shone countless stars. For a moment Olivie admired them, having never seen them before because of city lights, but the sight of the moon made her shake. After closing the window, Olivie made her way back to bed. [color=954535]”Bad dream...”[/color] she mumbled. [color=954535]”Bad dream.”[/color] This time, she had a hard time falling asleep. [hider=The Benevolent Beauty Turned Boisterous Bruiser] [b]Current Location:[/b] Stillwater [b]TP:[/b] 39 + 1 = 40 [b]CP:[/b] 18+ 1 = 19 [b]Pokemon:[/b] Buck the Bidoof – lvl 3 – healthy Gespenst the Cacnea – lvl 4 – healthy Verrine the Karrablast – lvl 4 – healthy Nidoran♂ - lvl 2 - healthy [/hider]