[center][@medalliah][/center] It was about that time. The front doors opened and the staff began to move about. The fans were entering the stands by the hundreds and everyone began to get prepped for the opening act. Each team got the same spiel before getting ready for the introductory act. [b]It's almost time to start everyone. I hope you're all ready, for anyone that hasn't found a pair yet, don't worry! You've still got a little time, besides by the time you're up for a live, somebody will [i]have[/i] to step in, so don't worry too much about it. The introductory act works as such, each Idol will be announced by name, it's your chance to give a little cheer, roar at your fans, whatever your style is. Then you'll go to one of the positions marked with an 'X' on the floor center stage. Just pick one, there's enough for everyone so you can't really go wrong. From there the national idol anthem will play and we expect you all to join in and give it your best! After all, your fans are watching![/b] [hr] [center][@Flamelord][/center] [color=2e3192]Well, you heard 'em. It's about time. You'll know who I am when you see me get called out, think of it as a surprise.[/color] The tall boy walked off to line up with the others, being escorted backstage. [hr] [center][@KimmiNinja][@sharksama][@TalijaKey][@Polaris North][/center] Coach V was in a minor panic. [color=6ecff6]Oh Goodness Oh Goodness! Is my hair okay? Waht about my makeup![/color] Coach V shook her head for a second. [color=00aeef]Oh! Wait, I'm not even going on stage, ahaha...[/color] She clapped her hands loudly to attract attention. [color=00aeef]Okay everyone! It's time to get our butts in gear! No fooling around, just do as your are instructed and things will run smoothly.[/color] Throwing a thumbs up to her team, Coach V smiled sweetly. All the Idols for the event for held backstage, there was a small opening where they would be rushed out to greet all the fans in the seats, then get to one of the designated spots. The Arena was huge, there were people stacked to the brim, talking, getting ready to watch their favorite idols dance and sing, some even eating food they'd ordered on the stands. The stage itself was ordinary, it was a deep black colour with lights that shot out to the sky, lining the sides. It was a long strip spanning a mild distance, meeting a circular plane. This was obviously where the idols stand so everyone can get a good look at them. As everyone was calming their nerves, a man in black, with black sunglasses and a microphone stepped out. [b]ARE YOU GUYS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEADY!?[/b] In response, the fans went wild. Cheering, screaming and chanting their favorite idols' name. [b]LETS BRING THEM OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT! OUR FIRST IDOL OF THE DAY IS..... AiAi! EVERYBODY CHEER HER ON STRONG! [/b]