Actually, I kind of have a problem with this one. [quote=@Wick] [color=00aeef]***[/color]The GM of an RP has every right to kill off characters as they see fit. Consider them lord and master of all they survey within their own roleplays. [b]So if @Wick kills your character and tells you to leave... you leave.[/b]-per Hank, moderator[/quote] I have no qualms with the idea of a GM being able to kill characters as they see fit, or even with a GM kicking players from an RP, but asking someone to leave an RP with no explanation is... a bit rude, to say the least. I understand that this isn't the case for everyone, but I generally expect that a GM will at least notify a player of why they're being kicked instead of abruptly killing their character and telling them they can't make a new one. It's possible that I've misinterpreted this rule, but if I have not and this is indeed what you intended to imply, I may refrain from joining this one.