[color=olive][h2]Richard Montag[/h2][/color] Time passed, revelries concluded, and it came to pass that the Master's and Servants were gathered to fulfill their actual purpose in journeying to the Wizard Marshall's secluded estate. The palatial accommodations sturdy enough to survive the antics of competitive Servants were worth admiration, and they would likely be spending a good deal of time indulging in them when they weren't off on missions, so there would be ample time to converse with spirits from ages past at a later date. Zelretch explained to them the two destinations laid out before them and their minds could fill in many of the blanks off their names alone. [color=olive]"A choice between Danes or the land of a Demi-God? Aren't those some interesting choices."[/color] Considering the dapper nature shared between Assassin and his Master, it was safe to say neither of them were very well acquainted with the regions they would travel to, at least on a first hand basis. It wasn't like Richard could go to Iraq and say he was now accustomed to the terrain once he went 3500 years into the past, and he had as of yet to form an meaningful attachment to any magus families in the Baltics that would require an in depth knowledge of the regions history. [color=olive]"Hmm, I suppose if we have no advantage over either destination, we may as well choose the more refined and exotic locale. How do you feel about seeing what the King of Uruk built, Assassin?"[/color] [@GreenGoat] [hr] [color=C71585][h2]Tamamo No Mae[/h2][/color] [color=C71585]"Excellent choice, Master! Our meeting has been blessed with fortune beyond compare on this day!"[/color] Tamamo cheered, finding her exuberance actually had to raise in order to match that of her Master's. Her tail joyously thumbed against the chair upon finding her Master was more free spirited then what the Grail had her believe a modern mage would act, a pleasant sign for building any relationship. Thinking on that, Himiko seemed the same way once Tama peered beyond her regal veneer, so it wasn't a stretch to think this was a commonality between magi. Some were just more willing to conceal it then others. A quirk of the ears had her turn and see Ravel suggesting they follow Seyrun to Scandanavia as well, and there was even a warrior in attention grabbing gold armor to serve as the bulwark to the arcane duo. A few others were voicing interest in the old North, but Tamamo was already up out of her seat and endeavoring to drag Seyrun over to the adorably fitting pair of Ravel and Himiko. [color=C71585]"Your Master is very wise, Himiko. Scandanavia won't stand a chance against our combined arms. Like the Sumazu of old we shall cry out as one-!"[/color] Caster said, throwing a mock punch towards the mystical relic that would send them on their way. [color=C71585][b]"Chesto!"[/b][/color] [@KoL] [@ADamnFiddle][@Nanashi Ninanai] [hr] [color=gold][h2]Margarita Reynard[/h2][/color] It had taken more time then she'd have thought necessary to herd Caster into the meeting room and get her to stay seated through the entire presentation, but Margarita could breathe easy now that their courses lay open before them and things could progress in a manner she was more familiar with handling. Caster was an endearing child, and it was difficult to keep from ruffling her hair when she had her earnest ramblings, but all things had to conclude eventually. Feeling a bit of the old French pride welling in her breast, Margarita found herself drawn to the idea of dealing with the Scandinavians. Their magic would be no where near the terror that the Babylonia team would face, and a Caster with this much support would have an easier time dealing with monsters and enemy Servants of the Baltic region if they played their cards. [color=gold]"Faust dear, were going to go with the Scandinavian team, so stay close to me, okay?"[/color] Even a Servant with E-rank strength was stronger then the average human, Margarita wanted to say by a factor of 10, but it wouldn't hurt to support Caster as best she could. At the very least she could carry Faust while she focused on her drawings. [@VitaVitaAR] [hr]