[hider=Alexis Farreacher][center] [hr][hr][h1][color=9e0b0f][b]Alexis Farreacher[/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://fanaru.com/emma-watson/image/96273-emma-watson-emma-watson.gif[/img] [color=9e0b0f][h3][i]"You're never really alone unless you choose to be."[/i] ~ Alexis Farreacher[/h3][/color][hr][hr][h2][color=9e0b0f]General Information[/color][/h2][hr][hr][color=9e0b0f][b]Name:[/b][/color] Alexis Charlotte Farreacher [color=9e0b0f][b]Nicknames:[/b][/color] Alexis, Char, Wicca (a more recent nickname. One more used to insult her) [color=9e0b0f][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=9e0b0f][b]Species:[/b][/color] Witch (Warlock, judging from the skills she has) [color=9e0b0f][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Highschool Student, Senior [color=9e0b0f][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Boulder Heights, Colerado, USA. [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=9e0b0f][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color] 15th of May [hr][hr][h2][color=9e0b0f]Appearance[/color][/h2][hr][hr][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/91969391c7cf52b61bef9bbb133a9a25/tumblr_mhuorsW0sv1qfcnfko8_250.gif[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f]Description:[/color][/b] Alexis has always been somewhat self-conscious about how she looks. Standing a not so impressive 5'6" she can easily be ignored by simply looking over her. She very much looks like the average girl. Long, brown hair, fair skin and chocolate eyes with just a hint of hazzle in them. Alexis is neither muscular nor fat but blessed enough to simply look OK. Her dress code can vary from time to time. Like most girls, sometimes she really just wants to look beautiful and she'll use make-up (not too much) to do so. However, most of the time she chooses for comfort and functionality over image. So she's more often seen in a baggy hoodie and a comfortable pair of jeans than a top and skirt. As of recent she also choose to wear at least one necklace with some weird stones (moonstone, sunstone, topaz, tiger-eye, etc) in them. While also carrying a much larger purse often filled with wooden carve-outs, strange notes and drawings and some carved stones. One time though, she brought a small knife but she got in trouble for that so she no longer takes it with her.[hr][hr][h2][color=9e0b0f]Relationship information[/color][/h2][hr][hr] [color=9e0b0f][b]Relationship status:[/b][/color] Single [color=9e0b0f][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Hetero [color=9e0b0f][b]Partner:[/b][/color] None [color=9e0b0f][b]Extra information:[/b][/color] She's a romantic in denial. So far she believes that, because she managed so far, she doesn't really need anyone in her life. Though deep down she knows she wants nothing more than have someone who doesn't make her feel so alone. [color=9e0b0f][b]Pets:[/b][/color] She adopted a young, stray black cat and called him [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-18kfk9vct2A/UQNH31FPhXI/AAAAAAAAFno/L-AW8M6Nhgw/s1600/black+3.jpg]Sabbath[/url]. The kitten only responds to that name now and even then he rarely responds ever to her. Still, there seems to be a special connection between the two. As whenever Alexis thinks she needs him (as a pillow to cry in for example) he'll appear out of nowhere (not literally out of nowhere. He'll just suddenly walk through the door after being gone for an entire day). [color=9e0b0f][b]Father:[/b][/color] Liam Farreacher [color=9e0b0f][b]Mother:[/b][/color] Elizabeth Stoneridge [color=9e0b0f][b]Sibblings:[/b][/color] None[hr][hr][h2][color=9e0b0f]Personal information[/color][/h2][hr][hr][b][color=9e0b0f]♦ Caring ♦ Closed off ♦ Hard working ♦ Understanding ♦ Power hungry ♦[/color][/b] [color=9e0b0f][b]Personality:[/b][/color]Alexis used to be a cheerful, happy, trusting girl with a smile as bright as the sun. But fate is a vicious mistress and puberty a cruel time. Alexis got bullied a lot the previous year. Her boyfriend cheating on her was the drop. In the end it changed her. She withdrew from the world. She became silent and walled off from others. And she is like that to this day. That is to say, shielded from everyone. She’ll smile and say thanks. Or have small talks if you insist. Hell, she’ll even talk and listen to you. But never expect her to open up to you. It may happen, but it will take time and chance. All this makes Alexis a lonely girl. She craves what she fears: intimacy, trust and friendship. What happened a year ago broke her to the core and now she thinks that’s the only thing that could be coming for her. But she’s only human and wants to befriend and love people. So it could happen, that once in a red moon, she herself reaches out to someone. Just to talk. It may not mean a lot to that person but to her it means the world. Despite being lonely and having been bullied, there is still good in Alexis. She’ll help anyone who asks. What kind of help you need doesn’t really matter. A shoulder to cry on? Fine for her. Help with a course? She’ll be there. Need to move a bed? She’ll offer her help (though she’s not that physically strong). Recently, though, a “darkness” has been growing inside of her. The bullying left its mark. Now, with magic, she discovered she’s more powerful than she could ever had dared to imagine. So far she hasn’t acted out (with magic or otherwise). But there is that glimmer of something fiery in her eyes sometimes. [color=9e0b0f][b]Likes & dislikes[/b][/color] [color=007236]✔[/color] The night [color=007236]✔[/color] The moon [color=007236]✔[/color] Her magic [color=007236]✔[/color] Her friends [color=007236]✔[/color] Sabbath [color=007236]✔[/color] Walks through the forest (Alone or with a friend) [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Traitors [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Being bullied [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Being the center of attention [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Dancing [color=9e0b0f][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] Singing (mostly in private, she's shy and not that good) Crafting Practicing magic Creating potions Walking & Hiking [color=9e0b0f][b]Strenghts[/b][/color] Her grandmother's grimoire Pale Magic gift Blood Magic gift (unknown) Determination [color=9e0b0f][b]Weakness[/b][/color] Can't really fight Closes herself from others Often just "vanishes" Holds grudges Too curious [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography[/b][/color] Alexis' story begins before her birth. It started with an error made by her grandmother. The witch was cast out of her coven. Vengeance would be her and she started dabbling with other sources of power than the leylines. The woman put her entire fortune into the research of both Pale Light magic but even more so in the dangerous art of Blood Magic. An art perfected by both the Viking seers and Native American shamans. Her research was fruitful as she gathered more and more power. Eventually cursing the witches coven that cast her out. It turned out to be a foolish endeavor. The witches lifted the curse within a year. They called upon ancient pacts they had with the werewolves and their druid and gave Anna a choice. Either she used her power to curse herself and her newborn son. Robbing herself and him of the ancestral art. Or they would kill her and cast the curse on her child themselves. Anna took the ultimatum and cursed herself and her child. The Grimoire forever closed itself to her and him. She was exiled from the town and went to Klamath Falls. Her son grew up to be Liam Farreacher. However, soon fate took a turn for the worse. Anna did not approve of Elizabeth Stoneridge. Mostly because she wasn't a witch who could uplift the curse from her family. But she kept that reason silent and hidden under various others. Liam left Klamath Falls and went to Boulder Heights were he became a history teacher at the local Highschool. There Alexis was born. Alexis was not cursed like her father. However, the curse that rested on her father and grandmother did influence her. The arts could never fully touch her nor could she control them. From time to time she had incredibly clear dreams that turned out to be true a few years later. Still, despite this, Alexis lived a happy childhood. Until she turned 15. On that night she had another clear dream of her boyfriend cheating. She confronted him sheepishly, thinking it was just a stupid dream. He confessed and it broke Alexis. Not much later her grandmother died. With her dad as a history teacher and her mom being a nurse, they never had much. However, Anna had left the house to them. They chose to return as the house was paid off already. When they moved and the inheritance came through, Anna left her Grimoire to Alexis. Hoping that the curse would falter with her death. It did and Alexis began to read the book for nights. At first to no avail. The curse still lingered on her father. But slowly its power could no longer cover Alexis. On her 17th birthday, she summoned her first gust of wind. From then on, she got really into Wiccan and such. Often visiting the Cedar Ash Inn's Wiccan shop. Something she gets bullied about to this day. She also often visits Evan's Bookshop Cafe to buy her strange books and read there.[hr][hr][h2][color=9e0b0f]Witch abilities[/color][/h2][hr][hr] [h3][color=9e0b0f]The Grimoire[/color][/h3] The Grimoire is a powerful but dormant object of magic. When Anna, Alexis' grandmother, cast the curse upon herself she also sealed away all the secrets of her Grimoire. Only when Alexis' hand touches the cover did it start to "awaken". But still not fully. It teaches Alexis the basics of magic (like Earth Magic and Leyline magic). To others it will just open and reveal itself as an unwritten book. But when Alexis reads, the ink literally appear on the pages. The opposite also holds true. Whatever question Alexis writes down into the book get answered. She herself can also write entire pages. The ink will vanish from the page but the book will forever remember it. A lesser function of the Grimoire is that it also acts as a bestiary. But since it got sealed, it must awaken those pages. Only the blood of the creature in question will betray its secrets (only a drop is required though). [h3][color=9e0b0f]Her abilities[/color][/h3] [i]Spellcasting[/i] The bread & butter of every witch (or warlock). The book taught her several ways of casting spells. Ranging from incantations to the usage of runes. Despite deep study and many hours of study Alexis can still only manage the most basic of spells. [i]Channeling[/i] An extensive subject within the book. Alexis' ability to channel is much more develop than her spellcasting (a fact other witches might find ironic?). However, this because the book's first few paragraphs about Pale Light magic were about this very subject. As to use Pale Light over day, it requires to be siphoned into and channeled out of certain minerals, crystals or gems. [i]Divination[/i] An unforeseen side-effect of the Pale Light magic her grandmother used. It clings to the blood. As the generations continued the curse weakened and the blood revealed its ancestral power in the form of divination. However, this form of magic is so far untrained or uncontrolled and only ever manifests itself in dreams. It also follows an ancient Pale Light witch's saying: "The dark moon reveals the new. The full moon enlightens the past." Meaning that the closer you get to the new moon, the greater the chance and the clarity of future divination dreams are. While during the full moon the past can be laid bare. The Grimoire certainly hold the capacity to teach her how to perform divination. However, it considers this something witches only need to learn several years later. Thus it stays mute on the subject. Despite Alexis' requests. [i]Potion brewing[/i] Another major branch of witchery that the Grimoire is trying to teach Alexis. Ironically it quotes: [i]"As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few who possess, the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."[/i] by the fictional character: Severus Snape. It's true, though. But the Grimoire refuses to teach the next potion until Alexis drops a drop of the potion the book is teaching her. Which is a bit of a problem considering Alexis her herbology is rather lacking. So she often gets stuck on potions. [i]Pale casting[/i] Pale casting deviates from normal casting in several ways. For one, it obviously can only be used with the power from the moon's rays. It's also strangely unpredictable. Using Pale Casting is more like entering a conversation with magic rather than passing it on commands. For this very reason one could say that Leyline magic should be favored over Pale Casting. It's not entirely true that one or the other version is stronger or weaker. Pale Magic seeps deeper into the blood and bones. Often binding with their user. Seasoned Pale Casters have nothing to fear at night. For they know the moon's light will protect and guide them. But at the same time, they know they cannot command it to do their bidding. With her grandmother being a Pale Caster, Alexis still holds a faint gift of that in her blood. The moon hasn't forgotten and Alexis certainly holds a talent for Pale Casting. [i]Blood chanter[/i] Those who can use the power drawn from blood held many names. One of them is Blood Chanter. Blood Chanters can brew potions from blood or draw runes with them. Blood Magic is both powerful and corruptive. It offers great power but for a terrible price. Even though the blood can be drawn from some other source than the caster, it still corrupts their blood. Alexis has no clue what blood magic is. The book has not yet deemed her powerful enough to teach it. But she certainly has a gift for it and the Grimoire holds the knowledge to teach her. [i]Charm crafting[/i] Eath magic uses plants and animals to use the magic of the lines. Most witches would be taught on how to use plants to keep the magic pure and light. However, the Grimoire was written by witches (not just Anna, but previous Farreacher witches) with a thirst for power. They've always forsaken the dogma and teachings in favor of experimentation. The Grimoire holds no difference between using plant materials like wood and leaves or bones and skin of animals. It teaches Alexis how to make certain objects (like a small totem or carved bones) that can hold magic charms. So far Alexis is getting quite good at making things. Over the year her room has transformed into a bit of a "workshop". With wood sculpting tools everywhere around (much to the dismay of her mom). The bones she gathers and cleans she still keeps hidden from her parents. Her grandmother's Grimoire is now starting to delve deeper into the magic of Charm Crafting. [hr][hr][h3][color=9e0b0f]Others[/color][/h3][hr][hr] [color=9e0b0f][b]Theme songs[/b][/color] [hider=Nine Lashes - Anthem of the lonely] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJIaob3KjqI]Nine Lashes - Anthem of the lonely[/url] [i]A heart made of stone callous and bone Fracture and tear it out to let it go And to think I called it my own And I would have never though the pain could grow So I'll break it knowing what you said The pain is what you make it sadly you are so mistaken I will take you with a grain and step into the changes Throw away the empty heart Right now Never want to leave this place And right now see it in a different way So right now even if you take me on I'll stand, the lonely Stand, the lonely[/i] [/hider] [hider=Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd of Fire] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLkvCrcExU]Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd of Fire[/url] [i]Lets take a moment and break the ice So my intentions are known See I pity in watching you suffer I know the feeling of feeling of being damned alone I got a storybook of my own Don't you see I am your pride Agent of wealth Bearer of needs And you know it's right I am your war Arming the strong Aiding the weak Know me by name Shepherd of fire Well I can promise you paradise No need to serve on your knees And when you're lost in the darkest of hours Take a moment and tell me who you see Won't tell ya who not to be[/i] [/hider] [/center][/hider]