Evan attempts to do the same as Adyeers but with a stick of gum and ends up creating a lump of rubber and oozy liquid. Evan sighs, "I swear I get worse and worse no matter how much I practice." He then tries a mind trick on a passing animal, willing it to jump randomly. This animal being a deer. He tries and instead it does a half somersault and falls to the ground and runs away. Evan sighs again, "I swear the only thing I am good at is illusions." Then, he has an idea. "Well, and this." Evan then proceeds to concentrate his efforts and makes an explosion sound and gunfire all around them, causing Be'Zi who didn't seem to understand English well to swerve the car. Evan explodes out laughing and causes the noises to turn into laughter. Be'Zi glares at him with the coldest eyes she can muster. Evan continues to laugh and stops making sounds.