Huh, so much for Yumi being beaten by his partner. Though it did look like throwing errant blasts would be the extent of what she could do as she lay there on the ground all but broken. He'd have to deal with Viral and then her, and by then he should have time to handle the remainder of their ragtag group too. Being blown away the Elite tried to stop himself by reaching down and grabbing the ground, flipping himself over and landing on his feet just in time for Viral to pounce on top like a wild animal. Going to the ground he grit his teeth and took a hard blow to the side of the head, reaching up and catching his fist with a scowl. "You don't even know why you fight us, other than you're told to. You know what the Empire is trying to do so why do you resist it?" he questioned, catching the other fist and struggling to hold Viral back. For all of his own strength it appeared that Viral might be even stronger still, somehow having gained immense power since their last meeting. "You and your friends are fools, you'll doom everyone. The Saiyans are the only answer to this threat, stop resisting us!" With his hands occupied the Elite could do little as Viral smashed a knee into his gut, losing his grip on the fists and taking another strong blow to the head. Promptly the Elite's arms rose up to cover his head as the blows continued to come and he tried to think of a way out of the mess he now found himself in. If they stayed like this then there was no two ways about it, he'd be crushed by Viral. While unable to strike back with his own hands now there was a way he could retaliate, and it was all but guaranteed to hit Viral at this range. Absorbing another blow to his arm the Elite glanced through them and sneered at the Beastman as his fur bristled, firing off quills from his forearms at the man attacking him. At the very least it would force Viral to back off, and there was a good chance he would be struck quite a few times given their proximity. If Viral still would not cease after that he would try to kick him off and get some distance, clearly being in a brawl like this wasn't going to end well.