[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161231/2696b0a65ff8e9e26839284a9c55c7fd.png[/img][img]http://fanaru.com/death-note/image/110646-death-note-ryuk.gif[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][b][i]Time Of Death: 6:58 p.m. June 13th, 2010[/i][/b][/center][hr] And the blood continues to flow this evening as the sun begins to set. Another has fallen, in a sense, and there is nothing that can be done to save them. Please bow your heads for funeral rites will be replacing the show this evening. There will be no twirling ballerina's and no juggling knives. There will be no smiles or cheers, just silent tears to flow. How many more will fall this evening? We know not but this is what has unfolded thus far. [hr] Beni looks over to Ash as he stands up. "Nothing I can say will convince you, nothing you could say would convince me at this point if the tables were turned." After that he says nothing more. He knows what it feels like to lose people, to see them go down, to not trust others. This was a gamble for him as well. He knew if something went down there was a chance he would be paying with it for his life even if it wasn't his people's fault. It was a risk he had been willing to take. "Do I go with you or you want to confine me until you know what is going on?" he asks. Whatever Ash decides he will go along with. Froggy looks over towards Neisha as she comes back and nods. "Yes, be ready to assist me. Follow my lead and we won't have any problems," he tells her before motioning over to the sink. "Get scrubbed up, we will be ready to take any patients as soon as they are brought to the front of the building." Zoie sits up as the radio goes up and curses under her breath. Looking at Dick she starts to get out of bed. [color=f6989d]"I'll be talkin' to sweet baby jesus 'for I just sit here with me knittin' needles, Honkey Tonk, gets me to the armory,"[/color] she tells him. Quick as he can muster, Dick scoops Zoie up in his arms and makes a mad dash over to the armory. He knows better than to argue with her right then. It was either he helped her or fight her to keep her in bed. [color=f6989d]"Mr. James, be meetin' me in the armory,"[/color] Zoie said through the radio as Dick set her down. She started pointing to various things for Dick and Tom to hand her as she got to work making some "Zoie Special's". She wasn't about to let people go out without some big badda booms. Once they are done she hands them over to James (or whoever he sends to get them). Jim opens the gate and let's people exit to grab the Valkyries horses, as random members of Newnan prepare to head out at the gate. Tatiana looks over to Jack as the call comes in over the radio and bites her bottom lip nervously. [color=a187be]"Jack, help new home,"[/color] she says. She knows he won't want her to go out there and she didn't want him to go either but she also knew Jack wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't try to help and just stayed safe behind the walls. [color=a187be]"I be okay, go."[/color] Over in Franklin Sana takes Ed into the school and back to the infirmary, searching for a pair of scissors. Looking into her bag once she finds some she pulls out a comb and glances back over towards him. "Prêt à vous faire nettoyer?" she asks, asking him if he is ready to get cleaned up (to fix his hair). Mike looks over towards Amelia and smiles. "Rest sounds good right about now but I gotta go help get things cleaned up in the infirmary and then the kitchen before I can turn in. I can walk you to your room or you can stick with me if you want. It shouldn't take long," Mike says, holding his arm out for her to take. "Just let me know," he says smiling, completely unaware of what is going down on the road. Ash called but there was no answer, the phone rang in Astrids bag in the back of the truck but she wasn't exactly in a position to take any calls right then. Fighting through the Walkers, Astrid grabbed Bridgette's body and hefted her fireman's lift style over her shoulder and started to make the trek back to the truck. Several of the Franklin Folk grabbed Marx, lifting him off the metal. A loud scream came from him as they moved him and dumped him in the back of the truck with the others. "Leave the dead!" one of them yelled at Astrid but she wasn't about to leave Bridgette behind. Walkers are being picked off but noise keeps bringing more in from the sides. The people of Franklin are able to carve a small path but it is limited time for them. Ciel and Ray are okay for now. Ray is holding steady, Ciel though passes out. Tiffany is able to pick of several of the walkers but she can't get all of them. Astrid manages to get Bridgette's body into the back of the truck but just as she is climbing in, a walker gets her. Sinking it's teeth into her shoulder. [color=82ca9d]"Breiddjame!"[/color] she yells as she swings her elbow back and knocks the thing free from it's bite. Turning she thusts her sword into its gut before climbing into the truck. [color=82ca9d]"Move it you fucktards!"[/color] she yells as she squats down and keeps fighting Walkers off the back end of the truck. She knows she is done for but she has to get the injured back, she gave her word.