[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@SanaChan][/center] Another boring year of school, another boring concrete prison. Most kids Emily's age would consider the prospect of attending a school filled with monsters as an exciting adventure, but then most kids lived boring, straightforward lives. All plans, prospects, studies and futures, the value of the moment lost on them. Humans had no idea how to live life, and it appeared that the majority of other 'monsters' followed their pointless sentiment. What was the point in locking yourself into a little concrete box when you could be dancing in the rain? Emily had most definitely not been planning to join for a full semester, having gotten off the hook with a thankfully short stay when she was delivered here near the start of summer last year. But her 'benefactor' had come to 'remind' her of her 'obligations', an argument that most nearby had interpreted as merely unfortunate bad weather. And so she found herself on those same boring stones, grumbling under her breath as she slowly walked towards the imposing-looking school building. With a shrug and a sigh, Emily resigned herself to her fate. Perhaps this year wouldn't be so bad. After all, she had heard that there was plenty of trouble you could get into in a school. And with this many supernaturals in one spot there was bound to be a few interesting folks she could make a ruckus with. If she made enough of a ruckus she might even get kicked out, and get the rest of the year off. Her future was looking brighter by the moment. With these thoughts in her mind Emily arrived at the spot where she would be informed as to her lodgings, and it appeared a line was forming. Waiting was for chumps, so she just pushed her way past, occasionally zapping someone who didn't want to let her through. Just enough to make them jump. An arrogant little smile plastered on her face she took the papers from a tired-looking teacher and headed off towards the dorms, giving a smug little wave to the people she'd moved aside. Hopefully her roommate would turn out to be someone interesting, or at least someone amusing.