[center][h2][color=f7941d]Morgana Lockwood[/color][/h2] Location: Route 9 - Road to Algam Participants:[@EnterTheHero] GM: [@alexfangtalon][/center] [color=f7941d]“Yeah, let’s knock them down a peg or five!”[/color] Morgana hollered. The younger boys were cocky, but Morgana liked that. While initially, nervous when the boys approached her and Sage, that feeling quickly simmered down at the mention of a battle. With her competitive streak quickly coming full force, Morgana quickly turned to Luft the Drifloon. [color=f7941d]“Ready, Luft?! It’s time for you to shine!”[/color] She said, motioning Luft towards the boys and ready to fight. Luft let out a loud "fwoon" cry in agreement. [color=f7941d]“GET READY TO EAT DIRT, DORKS!”[/color]