[center][h1]Route 9[/h1] [@Alder][@1Charak2][@ZachChase][@alexfangtalon][/center][hr] As everyone ate their food and talked about having a Multi Battle, a few bushes nearby rustled as a couple ofangry looking punks walked over to the campsite. They each had a few Pokeballs prominently displayed on their belts, so they were obviously trainers. The [url=http://i44.tinypic.com/2privpi.jpg]girl [/url] decided to speak up first as she took off her sunglasses to glare at the group huddled around the campfire. [Color=crimson]"I don't know who you punks think you are, but this is our turf. So you losers need to leave like right now."[/color] The [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Vanitas.full.1922692.jpg]tough looking male[/url] followed up sneering at everyone. [Color=plum]"Yeah, we've been camping here for the past 2 days. Ya can't just snatched our spot while we're off grabbin a bite to eat yo! It ain't cool man! You need to leave now!"[/color] The punks looked pretty angry, so reasoning with them was unlikely to work.