[@13org] As Nari travelled toward the sound she noticed how the loud noises suddenly stopped, followed by a part of the forest disappearing. Many people picture the sound of a falling tree as a mounting straining groan followed by a rough crash. Few realize how the cracking and snapping of wood fiber speaks to the part of a humans brain that is responsible for being afraid to break ones bones. The falling tree created a sound so thunderous that birds fled even far away and sent a shockwave through the ground powerful enough to make Nari's metal footwear rattle. [@Lord of Evil] As Satoi was safely hidden in the darkness he could see a young child enter the barn, about 12 years old. He looked tired, but not threatening. He sauntered around the barn, then bent over and picked up an armful of hay. Then he turned his head toward where Satoi had been sleeping and dropped his load. He took a few quick steps over there, bent down and easily tore away the straws that Satoi had kicked over his impromptu bed. Realizing what he was looking at the boy immediately yelled his father's name. Quick steps came from outside and a big man appeared in the door and went over to the boy. He was big, a farmer for life, arms and legs like tree trunks. If he only knew a modicum of martial arts, know when to relax and when to tense up, he could probably prove to be a big problem even for a ninja. They talked in muffled voices for a second before the man slapped his son hard enough to be heard in the whole building. “You say nothing of this, not a word!” Then he stormed away, only looking down right in front of his feet until he came to the door. “And hurry up with that hay!”