[@Shmektheshmuck] [indent]Rena let out a gasp as her body was forcibly released from the spell. As they crash through wood and flames, she hid her face in his shoulder. She could feel the flames scorch across the small exposed part of her face; even though his arms covered most of her and took the brunt of it. When they landed, she felt how hard he hit the ground. "Saedd!" She called out, she watched as the wagon burned and Valkim barely make it away himself. As he called out for the others to follow, she moved to her feet. Her ankle was still tender, but she could use it. "Can you walk?" She asked Saedd as she knelt back down beside him. She became defensive as she heard the creatures moving again and she could smell a demon near by. [i]Should I?[/i] She contemplated using a skill she had not touched in years, and quickly shook her head. [i]No, it'll give me away.[/i] The young elf girl's eyes were a piercing, violent green as she saw the beings form their shadows. Circling the pair, she prepared for anything until there was another loud explosion from the wagon. She quickly bent her body to cover Saedd's face as debris went flying around them--striking one vampire in the chest. With the threat of a forest fire, the creatures began to disappear; retreating back to the shelter of the mountain. With them, they left behind their dead. [@DeadlyPhoenix] A young man was not too far from the commotion and stepped through the trees not too far from Artemis. He wrinkled his face at the site of bloodshed, but he knew what exactly happened. The colony was out for fun again and chose a helpless group traveling. The wind picked up for a moment, swirling his black hair across his face. As he watched the elf woman fight off the vampires, his sharper eyes spotted one near her blindside. He took a quick step, appearing beside her. "Excuse me," his deep voice muttered as he struck his hand through the darkness. His long claw like nails sank into the other vampires throat and it fell away from him; dead. "They're leaving," he said to her, with his back still to her. "They fear the fire."[/indent]