[center][h2][color=green]Sebastian[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=green]Location:[/color] [i]Campsite - Sky Lakes Medical Center[/i][/center][hr][hr] The screaming sirens blared loudly as Sebastian groaned loudly, forcing himself to crawl across the forest floor towards the rest of the nearest body. He couldn't discern who it was in the darkness, however he could tell that they weren't moving. His hands reached out and he found their neck, checking to see if they had a pulse. A small moan drifted from deep within their chest, revealing that they were alive. Grimacing in pain, the boy crawled past the figure he had just examined and moved to the next one, making sure they were breathing. Before he could reach them, a flare of pain shot through his side, causing him to scream just before he lost consciousness. [hr] [b]"One, two, three, up!"[/b] Sebastian's body was jostled violently as he was moved onto a stretcher. Multiple hands touched him, removing his shirt, checking his pulse, shining a flashlight in his eyes. The three medics surrounding him began rolling him on a stretcher across the road to a nearby ambulance. The bright lights overwhelmed the boy's eyes, and a high pitched ringing in his ears blocked out all other sounds. A few concerned voices continued speaking over him, however everything seemed muted and distant. Blue gloves covered in blood worked on his wounds, causing sharp pains to shoot through him. [color=green]"Where are they?"[/color] Sebastian's voice was choked and raspy, no doubt a result of the screaming he had used to repulse the wolf. He remembered the attack in flashes: A dark form leaping at Gage, Miranda and Kaylee being knocked over as the wolf descended upon them, Sebastian engaging the creature to distract it. That was one thing he remembered clearly; none of the others knew what was attacking them, and they didn't stand a change against it. Sebastian had to make sure they were okay. The Siren had fought the Werewolf with everything he had, however it was far more powerful than he was. His screaming had weakened the creature, but it had also enraged it. [color=green]"Where are the others?!"[/color] Sebastian attempted to sit up, however multiple hands pushed him back onto the stretcher. [color=green]"Did you get all of them? Are they okay?"[/color] Panic rose in his throat, causing his voice to echo far louder than normal and cause one of the paramedics to cover his ears, cringing at the high volume of Sebastian's words. [b]"Lie down, everyone is fine."[/b] A soothing voice spoke calmly, however it didn't do much to alleviate his worries. [b]"Everyone was found, everyone's alive. If you struggle, you'll only injure yourself worse."[/b] Sebastian ignored the warnings and tried to sit up again, ignoring the pain that flared through his right shoulder where the wolf had bitten him; he had other injuries on his legs where he had kicked the wolf in the mouth and its teeth had torn his flesh. Multiple claw and bite marks covered his bare torso, however they were the least of his concerns. A small pain appeared in Sebastian's arm as a medic issued him a sedative, pulling him into a waking sleep for the rest of the ambulance ride. The memories of being pulled out of the stretcher and into the hospital were vague and blurred together with the many halls the hospital contained. Images of a small boy, blood, and glimpses of his friends floated into his vision, however Sebastian was too disoriented to react to them. Eventually, he fell into a fevered sleep as multiple people worked over his body, cleaning his wounds and stitching them closed...