[center][h1][color=purple] Grayson [/color]and [color=00aeef]Harley[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center]collaboration between [@December] and [@wick][/center][hr] [color=fff200]Day 6 11am[/color] Grayson stared in awe as water poured forth from Harley's fingertips, filling the bowl in front of him to the brim. The girl began talking about other powers that their bunkermates had been developing, however it faded into the background as he slowly came to the realization that the entire bunker now possessed super powers. [color=purple]"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight."[/color] Grayson held up his hand to gesture about his upcoming sentence, however he was at a loss for words and his hand just floated in the air between him and Harley. [color=purple]"Um... What?"[/color] He furrowed his brow and peered at Harley with a confused expression, unable to process what she was telling him. Between the sickness, lack of food, exhaustion, and overall mental strain he had been experiencing over the past few weeks, he was at an utter loss for intelligent words. Harley examined his appearance a little more. Had he really not gotten anythng while everyone else had? That would be highly pecculiar. He looked normal, no gills or anything weird like that. [color=00aeef]"Have you been having any weird dreams or seeing strange things? It's possible that maybe your powers are mental and not physical ones. Try to clear your mind and think about yesterday. Did anything odd happen to you?"[/color] Grayson looked down at the bowl of water in front of him and squinted, trying to recall the past day. [color=purple]"Well, there, there was this one thing that happened when I woke up yesterday..."[/color] He licked his lips and and shook his head. [color=purple]"I don't really know how to describe it, it was almost like I... I split in two, if that makes sense?"[/color] He stood up and began pacing back and forth in between the tables, turning on his heel each time he reached the end of the isle. [color=purple]"When I woke up, I got out of bed, but for a second I left my body behind? It was almost like I couldn't breathe, and I was looking at my own body as it passed out on the floor, but when I started breathing again I snapped back into my body..."[/color] Grayson plopped down on the bench next to Harley and looked into her eyes. [color=purple]"We have super powers?"[/color] Harley smiled as he decribed what had happened to him and she nearly became giddy.[color=00aeef] "Yes, we do and if you described what I think you did it sounds like Pru from Charmed. She had Astral Projection and could do that very thing. If it is then you could literally be in two places at one time but the astral you couldn't be hurt and the real you would be vulnerable."[/color] Harley was so excited for him she could barely contain herself.[color=00aeef] "I got boring old water and you can fight and do things without worrying about getting hurt as long as someone is protecting your real body." [/color]When she turned back to him her eyes were alight with glee. Grayson's face broke into a smile as he listened to Harley rant about his powers. [color=purple]"Are you kidding me? You're a waterbender!"[/color] He let out the first genuine laugh for the past week and ran his hand through his air, shaking his head with disbelief. [color=purple]"So how does it work?"[/color] He looked intently at Harley, as if he was waiting for her to give him a beginner's manual on how to turn into a ghost. He wasn't sure why, but he expected her to know how his powers worked; she seemed to know the most about the super powers the rest of the group had been developing. [color=purple]"Do I just hold my breath or what? And how do I not fall through the ground if I can go through things?"[/color] Harley looked a little perplexed at that last question. [color=00aeef]"Well Pru and her sisters powers were emotion based. I have found that mine are too, so I am guessing that you have to figure out if your trigger is or not and then we can experiment a little. I think you are corporeal in the astral form not ghostlike. You can pick things up and weild weapons and stuff like that. The projection part of it has to be triggered though. If you want to go outside I can scare you and see if that does anything."[/color] Harley grinned at what she could do to scare him and chuckled softly to herself. Grayson felt a little unnerved at Harley's chuckle, however it still brought a smile to his face at her sense of fun. [color=purple]"Well, scaring people seems make their powers work, because if I recall, you were pretty startled when I first saw you use your powers."[/color] The man bit his lip and flashed Harley a boyish grin, hoping she would appreciate his flirting. Before she could say anything, he stood up and motioned for her to lead the way. The excitement of the moment and the recent meal had bolstered his attitude, body, and confidence, getting him back to his usual self. [color=purple]"Let's go see if we can scare me out of my body."[/color] Harley already knew what she was going to do and she grabbed his hand and ran towards the drop off. [color=00aeef]"You gotta see this view! It's totally amazing."[/color] She looked so excited that she was positive that he wouldn't realize what she was up to. She pulled him with her to the edge and looked down at the city below them. Off to the right was the lake she had filled up. She looked at his expression and smiled. [color=00aeef]"It's sad but it's good that we have one close by to borrow from don't you think? So what did you do before all of this? I was a lifeguard about to start college. Can you swim?"[/color] Grayson was slightly suspicious of how Harley was going to scare him, however the instant he saw the view, it took his breath away. He hadn't hardly been outside the bunker since it opened, and he certainly hadn't see a view like this for over a year. He breathed deeply and gazed out over the cliff face, amazing by the view. [color=purple]"Uh, yeah, I can swim..."[/color] He muttered, stepping to the edge of the cliff and looking over at the lake. [color=purple]"I, uh... I used to help people with their problems..."[/color] His voice trailed off before he could explain his psychiatric career; the view was far too astonishing for him to take in all at once. [color=purple]"I can swim..."[/color] Harley wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him with her off of the cliff and they dropped for about three seconds before she pulled the water up and they rode the waves out over the city. Grayson screamed a few unsuitable words and grabbed onto Harley's arms, his curses turning into a scream of varying pitch. [color=purple]"HARLEY!"[/color] Water encompassed his legs as his head whipped around, trying to figure out how they hadn't died. Harley wanted to laugh at him but she tried really hard not to. She knew it had terrified her that first time she had gone over the edge on purpose. She put them down on top of a solid building and she let him get his land legs back. [color=00aeef]"I probably shoud have asked you if you were afraid of heights." [/color]She didn't release his waist right away. She wanted to give him a minute to get his feet back under him. She waited for him to scream that he hated her or something. [color=00aeef]"Try to project now."[/color] Grayson shakily regained his sense of balance, his arms held out to the side to help steady him. Had he not been so surprised, he probably would've enjoyed Harley hugging him from behind, however it faded into the background as his weak stomach avoided puking. [color=purple]"I, uh, I need a second."[/color] He kneeled down on the roof, closing his eyes and orienting himself to his surroundings. Once he was finished, he realized how weak he probably looked to Harley. His cheeks felt hot as his embarassment showed, causing him to stand up and clear his throat. [color=purple]"Okay, let's do this."[/color] After stealing a quick glance at Harley, Grayson shook his arms out and focused himself. [color=purple]"Emotions..."[/color] The first time Grayson had used his supposed powers, he had been holding his breath. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and held his breath. Imagining himself separating from his corporeal body, Grayson mentally pushed himself outside of his own physical form. A small thud sounded behind Grayson as he opened his eyes. He looked down at himself and saw his entire form glowing a faint purple. A pair of feet that looked similar to his own lay beneath him, connected to an unconcious body laying on the roof beside him. Grayson's eyes opened wide as he looked over at Harley, grinning widely. [color=purple]"Can you see this?!"[/color] Harley was watching Gray and when he collapsed she was a little concerned but she knew he would get better control of that part later on. She looked around until she saw him appear and she nodded and grinned in awe of him. [color=00aeef]"Yes, I can see and hear you." [/color]She walked over to him and touched his arm. [color=00aeef]"And I can feel you too." [/color]She looked at his body and back at him. [color=00aeef]"Do you feel okay? Any problems with anything?"[/color] Harley grinned and looked over at the next building as she heard something and realized there was an animal inside that building. She looked at Gray.[color=00aeef] "I'm going to go check that out do you want to astral yourself over there with me? It's still really new to you so don't push yourself. You don't have to come."[/color] Grayson shook his head, exhilarated by the new sensation. [color=purple]"No, I wanna come."[/color] He felt a small pain inside his chest, however he ignored it, enthralled by his new abilities. His Astral form floated past Harley; he seemed able to move about freely through the air without regard to the ground. [color=purple]"This is so amazing!"[/color] He let out a hearty laugh and tried to land on the roof, however his feet slid right through it up to his knees. [color=purple]"Wait."[/color] Grayson tried a couple more times to land on the roof, however, try as he might, he was unable to rest on the solid surface. [color=purple]"Um, is that supposed to happen? I can't touch the roof, but I can touch you..."[/color] Grayson extended his leg and poked Harley with his foot. He could feel her skin, but not the jeans that covered it. [color=purple]"Um, I think I can only touch you."[/color] Harley forgot about the animal and watched Gray's feet. She pulled him out of the roof and watched him trying to touch the roof and then touched her leg. [color=00aeef]"Hmm, that is odd. We'll have to check the bunker for more information about Astral Projection. Charmed was tv after all things could be a bit different." [/color]She watched him and looked at his body. She walked over to his body and rolled him over. Something told her to check on him, intuition maybe. [color=00aeef]"Have you felt an felt anything? Pain, difficulty breathing or anything weird? Your breathing is a little off over here."[/color] Harley checked his pulse and it seemed ok. She just felt like something was off. Grayson felt an odd sensation when Harley touched his body; he felt an odd, tingling sensation in the spot that corresponded to wherever Harley was touching. [color=purple]"Well, there's a small pain in my chest."[/color] Grayson floated over to Harley, letting his upper body lead the way, with his lower half drifting behind him. [color=purple]"Do you see anything odd?"[/color] Grayson looked over his own body and furrowed his brow, leaning in closer and placing his ear on his chest. It was odd, feeling his chest on his ear and his ear on his chest. [color=purple]"Um, Harley, I'm not breathing?"[/color] He floated over his own body and moved his ear to his mouth, listening for any hint of the corporeal Grayson taking in air. [color=purple]"Yeah, I'm not breathing."[/color] Grayson tried to suck in a breath with his Astral form, however nothing came in. [color=purple]"Uh, do I go back into my own body?"[/color] Concerned, Grayson slowly floated across his body from Harley, staring intently into her eyes. A small part of him was scared he wouldn't be able to return to his normal body, however he had been able to do it the first time. Harley nodded.[color=00aeef] "Go back in and try to take a deep breath. If you don't breathe right away I'll start CPR." [/color]She was a little worried because well, this never happened on Charmed! [color=00aeef]"Hurry up get in there."[/color] Grayson nodded and flew upward, twisting his Astral form roughly five feet in the air above his body and dove back down, attempting to fuse with his physical self. Rather than reforming, he just body-slammed himself; if he had any air in his lungs, he would have knocked it out, however he felt a large sensation of cold pain across him abdomen. [color=purple]"Okay, yeah, not my best idea."[/color] Grayson winced and shook his head. [color=purple]"Take two."[/color] Grayson laid down on his body, closing his eyes and focusing on remelding with himself. He had never really felt like a complete human by himself for his entire life, however he had never wanted to be complete more than he did now. Grayson exhaled as much air as he could from his lungs and took a large breath, pulling as much oxygen as he could into his lungs. His entire body tingled as he snapped open his eyes, gasping for air in his own body again. Harley was on her knees next to him and he looked over at her with a broad grin and smiled, attempted to play off the large amount of burning pain within his lungs. [color=purple]"Ta-da!"[/color] Harley had watched as he tried to get back inside his body and kinda bounced off of it and then he lay down into it and suddenly he was breathing a huge intake of air into his lungs. Harley looked at the ground in front of her for a moment. She had been terrified that he might not be able to breathe or wake up and it would have been her fault for taking him out here instead of staying by the bunker where the commander could heal him if he were still alive at all. She brushed her hair out of her face and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. [color=00aeef]"You scared the hell out of me!"[/color] She was shaking a little and she didn't know what to do next. Her emotions had caught up to her and she was just slightly upset, so much so that she had to wipe the tears away from her eyes. She looked away and tried not to let him see. Grayson tried to hide his joy as she embraced him, but it was quickly wiped away when he saw her distress. [color=purple]"Hey, Harley, I'm okay."[/color] He moved so that he was sitting on his legs and he hugged her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her in close. [color=purple]"It's okay, I'm alive,"[/color] He smiled greatfully and let out a small chuckle. [color=purple]"I gotta admit, I was pretty nervous I was gonna be stuck as a purple ghost for the rest of my life."[/color] Breifly considering what to do next, he decided to resort to his natural setting: flirting. [color=purple]"But, y'know, even if I was a purple ghost, being able to only touch [i]you[/i] isn't the [i]worst[/i] thing in the world."[/color] He gave Harley a sly grin and craned his neck so that he could look at her face better. [color=purple]"Would it?"[/color] She wiped her tears away and smirked and then she stood on her knees and kissed him on the lips. She pulled back to see what his reaction was and it made her a little nervous but at this point she was going to let her instincts have their way. [color=00aeef]"I'm glad you didn't go all casper the friendly ghost on me."[/color] Grayson blinked in suprise; he could still feel the warm spots on his lips where her's had been, and while it was something he was expected, he hadn't figured that [i]she[/i] would kiss [i]him[/i]. Grayson's face broke into a broad grin and leaned back in, wrapping his arm around Harley's waist and giving her a proper kiss that he was actually prepared for. He was incredibly aware of every inch of her skin that touched his, and he relished every moment of it. Harley kissed him back passionately. She had no idea that kissing him would feel so wonderful. It made her feel alive for the first time in about 18 months. She wasn't going to be the one to break it up. She was completely focused on him and when she heard the giant cat behind her she pulled up a wall of water around them so that they were safe. It was a tunnel of water and they were in the middle of it, dry and kissing. Grayson was so immersed in the experience that the funnel of water that appeared around them was completely unnoticed. His eyes were closed and the only the he could possibly focus on was the beautiful woman in front of him. While he wasn't willing to admit it, he had been rather lonely for the past year, and enjoying Harley's company had quickly become a favorite for him, even if it was mostly centered around him being sick or almost dying. It was worth it. Grayson felt like he should pull away from her, but he wasn't going to let a good thing die. He was content to sit there, kissing Harley on a grungy rooftop until kingdom come. After what seemed like an eternity passed, Grayson suddenly heard the sound of trickling water. While he would really rather be punched out than stop kissing Harley, the odd sound could be some form of danger. But, then again, maybe it was just a side effect from Harley's passion... Grayson begrudgingly opened his eyes and gasped, both from lack of air and surprise, when he saw the water tunnel around them.[color=purple] "Uh, Harley-"[/color] He was interrupted as she kissed him one last time before they both pulled away. [color=purple]"Uh, are you doing that?"[/color] He gestured vaguely to the surrounding aquatic prison formed around them, both concerned and dazzled. Harley heard Gray muttering something and she pulled back just enough to make out what he said. Her eyes were glazed from his kisses and she nodded, [color=00aeef]"Yes, the tiger was too close."[/color] She reached over and kissed him softly once more and then stood up. [color=00aeef]"Are you ready to go back?" [/color]Harley could see the cat through the water and she pushed out enough water to knock it off of the roof. Once it was off of the roof she let the water go crashing down and away from them.. [color=00aeef]"I still need to go water the orchard. Do you want to come with me?"[/color] Grayson was still slightly concerned about the tiger that Harley had nonchalantly ignored while the two were kissing, however he brushed it aside, cleared his throat, and smiled. [color=purple]"Well, I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to be doing around here. And besides, I like seeing you use your powers."[/color] Grayson grinned widely and gestured for her to lead the way. [hr][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy][hr]