[hider Javier DEA] Name: Javier “J” Mendez Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Height, build, facial structure. Voice and mannerisms, even. A picture may be attached, but oh, so help me if it's anime. Javier stands at roughly 6’4 weighing in at roughly 205 pounds. His build is of a fit person with visible muscle mass on his arms and a toned chest and a set of six packs abs. Javier’s facial structure has a noticeable jawline, a more of a pointy nose but also a scar running down the left cheek to the bottom of the left side of the jaw. His voice is pretty deep, having more of a american accent however his spanish side does at times mix into his speech Agency/Organization: DEA Special Agent Education: Javier majored in Criminology at Stanford University in California Background: Javier’s time in the DEA has been varied as one say. After joining the DEA Javier was thrown into the fire almost directly with a undercover operation. Due to Javier’s young age at the time he was acting as a fake student enrolled at a local community college, along with two other agents. The community college at the time was considered to be a big front for a MDMA smuggling ring and rumors in the community were that even professors were in on the job along with various students. So for the first few months Javier mingled with the athletic groups on campus, even trying out and making the basketball team. The other two agents also were involved in different cliches based in the college. Once the settlement period had passed and the operation was starting to fully gain traction they were a lot of surprises. For one the MDMA was being moved in various storage containers and using various methods of transportation. One of the agents stumbled upon a university parade float’s and found MDMA bags hidden underneath the float. Another one also found in the equipment room that some hockey bags had MDMA bags stuffed in them, underneath pads or gloves. It was clear that the MDMA ring had a wide influence in the school and MDMA was in clear sight.. But the question was who was involved? The operation however caught a break once the local police searched a campus residence after a noise complaint. Inside there was a huge haul of MDMA pills and various of other important evidence items. Phones, recipes to create MDMA, notes to even roughly five thousand in US dollars. 5 suspected arrested and well cracking under the pressure of the DEA interrogation, two suspects, a women and man confessed but also blew the whole operation wide open. At the end, the smuggling ring was busted. The college used local school labs after hours to manufacture MDMA and bag it. Then MDMA was stored throughout the school away from the public eye. Dealers simply picked it up from these stash spots before it was sold to the general public. The ring also made sure to grease the right hands. 4 days after the findings of the operation were released to the general public and the DEA making it’s statement the dean of the college resigned before he was arrested on accessory charges. The community college operation helped Javier gain footing in the DEA and over the course of many years he was apart of many operations. From shutting down an illegal weed ring in Montana to busting a cocaine front in New York’s popular nightclub Javier’s been all around, but one operation to this day Javier would say was interesting.. And unhinging. After a string of 4 overdoses in Arizona, the DEA was tasked with investigating the rise of methempatime in a small town in Arizona.For the first few months, it seemed like a simple small time redneck based operation until. Javier was at the helm of this operation and leading a small force of fifteen agents.The fifth overdose occurred. The coroner report showed that this overdose unlike the others was forced, as if the person was trying to resist before eventually being subjected to the meth. This was a strange occurance and it seemed out of place. The first four overdoses were considered to be “normal” in the light that the user had used the drug on their own accord.. Or did they? The backlife of the four users was mundane to say at best. A herbal doctor, a truck driver, a waitress and lastly a lawyer. It seemed like a odd bunch of people who had used the drug and it only got odd from there. For one the DEA looked more into the murder’s and where they were. One was on a roof, the other was near to the abandoned church, underneath the cross. The last two were located facing each other like someone had planted the bodies that way, near to a rental cabin, 5 miles out of the town. With the weird bodies in weirder locations, Javier and his crew seemed to be lost.. And it remained they away until a slip up. Roughly 3 months into the investigation a 911 call 25 miles outside of the town was heard. Police were sent only before Javier received a phone call at roughly 4AM in the morning, a survivor had been found. Javier and his squad rushed to the survivor and heard his tale of events. Apparently there was a classified ad for a item, which was a ATV for this male. The male was led towards a gas station before he was picked up by the “seller's”. The group then drugged the male and stuffed him inside of the trunk of the car, without any restraints. By sheer chance the potency of the drug wasn’t strong enough to fully sedate the male. He called 911 inside of the trunk the car. By the time the male was spotted he was almost administered the dosage of meth into his system. The cops managed to capture one of the assailants but the other two fled into the forest. The assailant at first began to yell a lot of weird and disjointed phases. Phases talking about a abusive family, a failed upbringing and other stuff. He was sent to the local clinic and a police escort was with him. After a few days of proper rest the assailant came to his senses, it seemed as if they were high and drugged as they performed these attacks. The assailant then told the DEA his whole story. In short, these overdose/killings were apart of a sadistic cult, the cult was formed after the leader, who lived in this town as a kid experienced a rough upbringing. He groomed various friends and family members to do his bidding and killing the people who had affected him. Once this information was revealed the DEA launched a raid into his house, which was a decent size ranch a hour out of the town. Of course as they entered the place was booby trapped and the assailant and his goons had been expecting the raid, probably due to sheer paranoia related to the drugs. The resulting firefight resulted in a moderate injury for 2 police officer and a minor injury for a DEA agent but the cult leader was put down. On further investigation, something that resembles a planning room was found and various pictures, surveillance shots were seen. On top of that, the meth lab was in the barn outside of the ranch, with a slew of other drugs, ranging from cocaine to LSD. What was even disturbing was the severed head of his father and mother were seen mounted in his bedroom as a.. Prize you could say. Personality: Javier’s personality is one of many traits and attributes one could say. For one, his time in the DEA have made his policy towards drugs pretty much “No, there bad for you, you shouldn’t be doing them etc”. He despises drug users that use illegal narcotics and either wises to get rid of them or simply be away furthest away from them as he can. However, he does recognize accidental usage can happen and may rarely make an exception if he is shown sufficient evidence or proof. When it comes to combat scenarios and situations, Javier’s is more on the edge and quiet. He tends to be extra careful and caution when exposed to combat situations and most of the time he does have a trigger finger if he himself feel’s he is in a exposed or deadly situation. But, most of the time if he feels he has allies or the upper hand he’ll evaluate and proceed to subdue or kill. As for investigations and job related matters, he’s a clear workaholic. He enjoys the usual distraction but makes sure that it doesn’t hinder what he’s assigned to do nor create mess he needs to clean up. At the same time when working however, Javier is often one with his own sense of justice and morality. He accomplishes the said objective sure, but he accomplishes it in a away that pleases him and appeases his own set of morals. These morals often include things like his attitude towards the justice system and the way some things are too leniently enforced (Or the opposite) to his attitude on drugs to even at times the way a suspect committed a crime (Eg, raped a women Javier probably would take a few jabs at him). Skills: Gifted(+5): 2 skills Persuade, Marksmanship - Long Guns Adept(+3): 3 skills Tactical Driving, Marksmanship - Handguns, Awareness Average(+2): 3 skills First Aid, Hand to Hand, Law Novice(+1): 4 skills Engine Mechanics, SERE, Crafting, Marksmanship - Sniper Languages - Spanish (Fluent), English, Italian (Partially), French (Fluent) Clout - George Wilkerson - DEA Operations Lead Boris Petrov - Russian Mafia CI for DEA Giovanni Vinci - Italian Mafia CI for DEA Weaknesses: Erratic Sleeping Patterns - Images of the unhinging operation and the whole case still play a role in Javier’s head, he doesn’t get sleep or sleeps in. Dependency on painkillers - Javier is prone to getting headaches, where for a few hours are a simply annoyance can lead to him needing to lay down for a abit and sleep them off hindering his ability to operate. That’s why he always has painkillers on him to nullify these headaches. Off-Duty Clothing/Equipment: Because you're not going to be walking around in door-kicking gear all day, every day on a clandestine op. Clothing: Tracksuits, Hoodies, sweatpants, jeans here and there Weapons: M1911 Pistol, Suppressor. MP5 locked in a case where needed, Combat Knife Tools/Equipment: Walkie Talkie, set of Fake ID’s and passports, lockpicking kit, maps, compass Operational Clothing/Equipment: Nothing that would remove all doubt that you are part of the US military/are American. NATO weaponry is fine, but not required. Clothing: Either semi-formal to casual clothing, but with a kevlar vest. Or a full out military esque attire with elbow pads, knee pads etc. Weapons: FN Scar with a scope and laser sight (Flashlight is equipped for night ops), M1911, Combat Knife, Machete if needed Tools/Equipment: Extra ammo, set of grenades, a flare gun, smoke grenades, AP clip. [/hider] [@Leidenschaft] Should be good, if anything needs updating or anything real word that needs fact checking let me know!