Evina watched as the small girl slid to the ground and speak to no one in particular though with what had just happened she might be speaking to some unseen force just like she did. Taking a step back as the girl lifted the knife once more only to hug it to her chest then look up to Evina, a small fragile smile reaching her lips as she spoke. [color=ed1c24]“I’m Chara.” [/color] Evina’s brow arched again at the girl, her focus then turning to the empty hallway as the girl looked over at something that she could only see. Aedan shrugged his shoulders while Tristram and Isaac both made a motion of swirling their finger around the temple of their hands as to say the girl was crazy in the head. Evina clicked her tongue towards them and made and shooing motion towards them as if to tell them to get lost. She took a step towards the girl and knelt down as she reached out with her hand. [color=f6989d]“Evina. And those idiots are Tristram, Aedan and Isaac.”[/color] She motioned behind her where the three boys stood though in any sane person there would be an empty hallway with chairs in random places.