[@BubbleGumKing] [hider=Review: Marcelino /// Silvestre] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fNAS06d.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][h1][color=cadetblue]M A R C E L I N O[/color] /// [color=cadetblue]S I L V E S T R E[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/A2-ln30ImuuHDfUa0BFcTovqHntvcZvcp9lWkDBmfNApKRAvljDafue-7ZPQ_b3KV7PLTwY3=s662-fcrop64=1,00003386ffffa2c2[/img] [color=white][b]“Quotation here.”[/b][/color][/center] [color=black][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=white][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Marcelino Anthony Silvestre[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A V A T A R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Silvestre[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]22[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Marcelino can be considered what you would call a 'hipster' of sorts, the outgoing and quirky guy that you know. Having a fun and energetic personality to him and following all of the latest trends, it wouldn't be at all unexpected that he is a serious gamer who would have fun both in the real world and virtual one. To him personally, it's surprising he can pull such an outgoing and bubbly personality that even his friends think that he is always like that. From inside, he is an anxious and self-conscious person which he disguises pretty well apparently which goes unnoticed from most people. Fighting against his self-depreciating ways, he managed to improve himself by elevating his figure and keeping himself away from a sorry state that he once was in. Having a lithe body almost like a swimmer, while having black hair with blonde streaks through it and dark brown eyes. When translating over to Pariah, it replicates mostly the same figure for him in real life with the exception of his skin tone and surprising length of hair that he is that's completely white along the clothing. His hair is almost impossible to keep, so he lets it stay that way naturally and let it simply hang, although on occasion he makes sure to go through the tedious process of taking care of it. He might as well have gained some levels in hair caretaking or vanity if that was a possible with how much time he had to spend with it, but he doesn't mind it. As it adds flavor to his character that he surprisingly liked after getting used to it.[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Some things about Marcelino perfectly transfers over to Pariah due to the ease of things, such as his outgoingness and quirky feel that he had around him that comes second nature to him. He even tends to be uncharacteristically flirtier compared to real life which may be due to the fact that he's anonymous in Pariah. However, even having anonymity can reveal things about people when they know nobody they know is watching them do it. For one, he's a savvy roleplayer and is dedicated to an idea once he settled his mind on pursuing it to the very end. This is something he wouldn't get caught dead with in real life, as Pariah is basically 'larping' or 'live action roleplaying' but within a different reality... His ability for roleplaying is translated well from his skills as a shy actor back in high school, which are unhindered within this virtual game. [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]So Marcelino... He's a relatively normal college kid with his own problems like everyone else who's going through them and finding a way to overcome them. Currently living in the States, he can be called successful considering the average set by his peers around him as he is performing above them. However, as a human being, he has his own problems to take care of and whether he successful or not is up to him to try and overcome. But beyond that crude and small explanation of Marcelino in a nutshell, lets dive deeper shall well? Like mentioned several times before this, Marcelino considers himself a socially anxious and conscious person in the real world. Caused by a sheltered childhood, which was used mostly to be much more mature than his age normally was. His father had left him, his oldest brother was hours away living with the grandparents, and his older sister grew up in be spiteful and rebellious of the fighting that went on between their parents. Then there was Marcelino's younger sister who was the baby of the family that grew up to have a learning disability which only added problems. To say the least, Marcelino's childhood wasn't a good time to be a kid as he had to learn how to take care of her sister early on while his Mother went to work and while the rest of his siblings were elsewhere. A good part of his livelihood was dedicated to her sister and embarrassment over his helicopter mom (from experience of her two older children who not doing so well in life) stunted his social growth, making him very reclusive. His friends were the nerdy ones and the weirdos where he connected to them easily with common interests. However, as he grew up it was obvious that he didn't want to be like his other siblings and decided to work on himself. Despite the lazy and procrastinating nature he had, he began to try and improve himself in ways that nobody realized. He practiced 'emotions', 'gestures', and 'phrases' which would be used in socializing and it worked for the most part. He made friends easily by being 'friendly' and open to everyone that was introduced to him and increased his social circle much more compared to before. Of course, there were awkward things like relationships and love during his high school years that were cringeful but he managed. Sure, he was a bit of a hopeless romantic but he made do with what he was able to work with. Taking examples from other sociable people he knew, he simply painted more onto himself to develop a personality suitable for a good life. He had a girlfriend despite being attracted to men (self-consciousness again), had many fond memories with his friends, and graduated high school with good grades. By the time he had finished school, his siblings had fixed themselves despite the time they took, it was better than never. His older brother was a mechanic making good money, while his sister worked at a company which she rose through the ranks faster than ever. Even mother was back into a relationship (a bit rocky one) that proved to last since he was in middle school, so around eight years. But yes, family life was going well and his social life was doing great as well so check! Life itself was great for Marcelino, he had a group of friends, a person he 'liked', and his family was doing well. Beyond the usual troubles of his anxiety about himself, his life was shaping up to be a good one that would click in with society like anyone. The next step was going to college, another worrisome milestone that marked a successful human being (in this century and the last) as it was impossible to get a good job without a degree unless you were lucky... Majoring in chemistry, the science industry was never going to die and thus was a viable area to pursue an occupation. Of course, there were things like being an Art or English major but they weren't reasonable ideas from what he firsthand experienced. Fours years into college and he had gotten his bachelor's in chemistry which was great, so his academics was finished and completed. Having a job was tricky after recently getting his degree, but he did do odd jobs for the neighbors (yes, there are neighbors in the 22nd century) that have him some pocket change. however, he has been looking for a steady job that will be paying him that focuses in his desired area of chemistry. His social life was doing okay, his relationship with his girlfriend has been going steady and his friends are still mostly there still. However, recently he has been getting back into serious gaming when his older sister told him about Pariah as she was a serious computer and gaming nerd. With the money he had, he bought the game and fell for it hard as a means to escape boring reality. It a way, the experience was addicting as hours could be shoved into what limited time he had but with an unfilled schedule maybe perhaps he could give himself a break. Of course, he would still be a functioning citizen of society cause both he and his sister monitored each other so they didn't go off the map. [/color][/indent] [color=black][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=white][sub]R O L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ultility / DPS[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A F F I L A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Queon[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] Scribe: An occupation that mostly involved with recording books over and copying them for distribution, it is a production-type job where the recreation of texts of all kind are possible as you level you. Copying books slightly increase the skill of the topic that is covered. The higher the level of the book, the bigger bonus that is given to the scribe when they read and copy it which allows them to acquire levels of knowledge from a wide topic. Usually, this job is taken by those who utilize magic to create spells that can be activated through their use in the form of spell scrolls. [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]W E A P O N O F C H O I C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Satchel of Containment: A bag that Marcelino has which simply holds things inside for him, being packed with a book or two before the rest being occupied by scrolls containing magic for emergencies should it be required. The bag is usually customized depending on the situation to allow what is carried inside to suit what comes ahead. Staff of Drawing: A black and seemingly burnt staff that is wielded by Marcelino, it serves not only as a focus for magic that he usually performs but in larger instances of casting spells. The staff can be activated with energy that allows the bottom to act as if it was a marker and can write with magic in the air. [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]B E N C H M A R K S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [hider=Physical] Mind Over Matter: As a magic user, and no less a member of a member of the Quenon fraction, it not surprising that Marcelino's character lacks other notable physical achievements. This is a milestone is given to players who have a ridiculously low amount of levels in physical abilities compared to their mental abilities. It serves no other purpose than congratulating the player on focusing the majority of the levels that they have on their mental benchmarks. In short, it's a decoration simply to fill out those empty physical benchmarks slots as a Magic User. Steady Caligraphy: Like drawing an arrow with a bow, the calligraphy of a book is just as important to keeping it cool and constant. Any book that had lopsided or mistakes with the writing is decreased in quality and without lined paper or fast drying ink, it's a common obstacle of most scribes who are PCs. With hours of focusing, raging, and training, it's impossible for Marcelino to draw a letter, symbol, or whatever wrong. This is a form of weapon training for people of the scholarly kind which can result in deadly proficiently with a pen at close range. A deadly and calculated art, if only they trained their bodies more would this technique be much fearsome. In it's tamed and docile form, its suitable for writing and drawing purposes. Other writing utensils can be used from what was used to gain this ability but suffer a penalty for it. [/hider] [hider=Mental] Book Creation: A skill gained through meticulously copying a book word by word so that it can be distributed, while assumably capable of doing it with a typewriter the technology of Pariah isn't advance enough. Thus, the books that Marcelino had copied through this skill sell for a good amount to wealthy NPCs who wish to buy such a rare resource of knowledge which is limited in this era. With a high level of this skill, he is able to publish books simply for enjoyment rather than knowledge itself. Publishing several books under a secret pen name which has gotten fairly good reception from NPCs. With adequate levels, it is also possible to branch off from this skill and create magic spells in scrolls instead of simply plain books. This is a requirement for the skill Magic Scroll Creation to determine the best materials to create scrolls and write them. Lore Knowledge: A skill that Marcelino has which is used to represent one's understanding of the world Pariah farther than the basic descriptions. It covers things all significant things that a person living in the world of Pariah would know from being raised there such as major historical events, prominent people of power like royalty, and major cities or geographical points of interests. It can be raised normally by spending more time in Pariah simply and taking the time to read or listen to gain experience. As a scribe, though, Marcelino's level in this skill with the dozens and dozens of books that he has given the time to reading them has increased this skill significantly. He is capable of being a teacher in the world of Pariah should he ever chose to enter that vocation. Magic Scroll Creation: A divergence from the Book Creation skill which focuses on literary text only, this skill focuses on making spells accessed through scrolls by anyone who is capable of doing so. It gives the user the ability to activate the stored spell instantly from the contents of the scroll. Michael himself for the first few levels focused on simply practicing how to properly make one before anything could be put on them. From further use, he focused on this skill and provided resources for many events that has leveled this skill even past his Book Creation skill. While the limit of spells that can be written in scrolls are contained to medium powered spells and a single spell per scroll. They save a huge chunk of energy when prepared beforehand that can place the advantages in his hands. This skill boosts both Arcane Theory and Book Creation as well Arcane Theory: A skill that Marcelino has that he would recommend to any other person if they wish to further understand how magic works in Pariah. On the base level, it allows him to understand the different forms that magic comes in Pariah and identify them when being used or been placed. Going in deeper, his level with this skill is augmented by his job as a Scribe which allows him to reach far and wide to pick books pertaining to this skill itself. The creation of spells is a possibility for Marcelino with this skill to be used on the spot so long as he is not in combat and has the requirements handled to do so. It is a requirement for the skill Magic Scroll Creation to transfer spells onto paper. Enhanced Willpower: An ability that is built up upon more mental challenges that stack up on each other to build a wall of bricks when solidified. Pushing one's limits is generally a way to increase this skill in exchange for receiving physical lash back for doing such a thing. It is a skill suitable for all players, but in Marcelino's case, it is useful for surviving the world of Pariah without coffee when working on copying books. The skill also proves useful in increasing how much he can overexert his physical or mental abilities but face harsher whiplash should he do so. [/hider][/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]R O U G H V I R T U A L H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] In the world of Pariah, Silvestre is known as the Magic Librarian for his status of having a library of books which he willingly lends so long as he trusts the person using them. Being a known trader of books from both NPCs and PCs that he will be the first to appraise them so long he gets to read it first. Many of the books that he lends are mostly those that he copied twice to sell once and keep the other for himself. If a request is given to him about copying something or creating a book, then he will offer a price for doing it depending on the difficulty of the task. His services are also hired as a creator of mobile spells, creating portable magic to be used when desired but charges a high price for the mental health it takes out of him and the cost of materials. As a Librarian books that he allows people to borrow are all commonly sought after due to the topics that they cover while quite common in rarity are high in demand. Most of his books are in his vault which prevents them being accessed for the most part unless someone asks to get inside there which needs his trust in the first place. [/color][/indent] [/hider] Here we go! [b]Quotation:[/b] Where it at, bruh? [b]Visage:[/b] Is there a psychological reason that he has lighter skin tone and such to his appearance via reality? Remember that there isn't really an avatar creation system but more of an idealization based on your desires, quirks, or insecurities. Just like I allowed Ms. Cat Ears I probably won't decided to be too critical here, but I am curious how you can justify it. [b]Backstory:[/b] Very detailed, well written by my standards, and still gets across to point how Pariah was introduced to his life. "Points!" [b]Benchmarks:[/b] You are missing some physical ones! Did you need suggestions (such as Combat Casting, as one example) or are you content with handicapping yourself in this manner? Otherwise I like what I see!