[center][h3][color=silver]Ryoshi Hanamaru[/color][/h3] Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk ([@AimeChambers])[/center] Wait, it was the first day so... [color=silver]"Stupid."[/color] He muttered to himself before opening one of the windows of the hallway campus and then dropping down, quickly changing into a silver crow before heading towards the dorms where the mass of students were heading towards. He then landed on the ground quite some ways away from the students and then transformed back into a human. Though he could have done that in plain sight of the students, he didn't actually want to see them flock towards him to ask how he did that and so on and so forth. While there aren't much students like that, he has encountered them and that was an experience he'd rather not go through again. Muttering an 'excuse me' every now and then as he passed through the swarm of students getting their room assignments for the day, he finally broke through after he passed the line heading towards the poor teacher who had to man that part. He and the teacher locked eyes for a moment and he gave him a small smile as some form of encouragement and he only sighed as he passed the next room assignment to the next student. He gave him a gesture of farewell in the form of a two finger salute and then continued roaming around to keep the students from breaking into fights or something. [s][i]Be glad, Emily Jolt, that he was not there to see what you had done.[/i][/s] Ryoshi entertained some of the students' questions about the school and the safety of the dorms - assuring them that it was perfectly safe and that there would be guards posted there, roaming every night in case someone was actually foolish enough to try and sneak into school grounds. He sent them off with a small smile as they headed towards the line. He placed his hands inside his jacket's pockets as he continued to roam around. So this was what he was doing for past few decades? Well, he really couldn't say it wasn't a good change of pace. At least here, he didn't have to fight huge beasts or monstrosities to protect others. No, he had the honors of running the students ragged through Physical Education and teaching them how to properly utilize their powers in combat - but they had to learn quick if they wanted to keep up on the charts. His eyes scanned the mass of students until he saw a particularly heavily clothed young man. He seemed nervous as he navigated through the crowds. Ryoshi tilted his head to the side in curiosity as to why he was clothed like that. Unless, of course, there was a hazard in him exposing his skin and he was doing this for the safety of the other students. That thought was quickly ruled out when he saw a wolf tail drop out from his long coat. Ryoshi quickly made his way towards the young werewolf. [color=silver]"If you're making such an effort to hide your wolf-like features, then I must tell you that your tail has slipped out."[/color] Ryoshi started as he started to pace himself with the young man. [color=silver]"However, there is no shame in showing who you truly are. We have many hybrids in this place - centaurs, griffins, pfft, unicorns."[/color] It's not the first time Ryoshi encountered a student who isn't too proud of their lineage, but it was a first for him to see someone going to such lengths to hide it.