[hr] [h1]Himiko[/h1] [color=fff200]"Please just call me Himiko, if it's fine."[/color] Her heartfelt confession regarding the true state of her mind took most of the courage that Himiko could muster, and she spent the rest of the time just smiling awkwardly. Even Tamamo's Master was interested in helping her, but Tamamo was right, they had been carried away regarding this. This could be settled for later, and as they finished their business on the table, Himiko took a deep breath of relief. What had happened so far was a bit too much, and having a moment of respite to compose herself was quite appreciated. Even in front of Tamamo, she couldn't just act like a sheltered teenage girl all the time. That would be shameful. More importantly, she still had to maintain herself so she could take care of her Master. They later would be summoned before a shady-looking priest and Kaleidoscope himself, who explained the mission towards all the present pairs of Masters and Servants. Throughout the explanation, Himiko stayed quiet as she weighed in on where they should go next. The choices were ancient Babylon and Scandinavia. After putting some thoughts into it, she ended up thinking that Babylon was the best choice for her. Magecraft from the Age of Gods intrigued her a lot, and visiting the time where the Age of Gods was at its height would allow her to- Although...it seemed that this time, it wasn't hers to decide. Seyrun voiced out that she was going to the Scandinavian singularity, and Ravel ended up deciding to go there too. Himiko could not simply put her interest before her Master's. And Tamamo already went ahead and decided that the two pairs would go there. Himiko had little problem with it, and as much as she was interested in going into Babylon, she finally relented and accepted their next destination. [color=fff200]"Yes, we shall head to Scandinavia too."[/color] Himiko held herself back from mimicking the enthusiasm displayed by Tamamo. Even after Tamamo explained her true nature, her existence felt like it stirred something inside of Himiko. It was odd, but it was not, as she first thought, reverence. Although, putting that aside, Himiko had to admit to herself that she had little to no idea about the appeal of the courting skills Ravel wished to have and what Tamamo herself overtly marketed towards her. She was asking about it due to the need to educate Ravel, but it was really of no use to her. She was just...couldn't bring herself to feel any interest to it, to put it in a way. Ah, she was getting sidetracked again. Since they were going to leave soon, Himiko thought that it was a good time to talk to Ravel again, as she was a bit too embarrassed earlier to speak much, which worried her. Perhaps reestablishing the bond between the two of them would help her feel at ease. [color=fff200]"Ravel...this is it. Our first mission together. If you're feeling anxious, just hold on me. I will not leave your side and I will protect you from any danger we might face. I will teach you everything you would want or need to know along the way, and on the flip side, you will help sat- Nevermind that last part. Do not worry about anything. We will fix this singularity, and I'll guide you to be an outstanding magus."[/color] As Himiko turned her attention back towards Kaleidoscope and the priest, the face behind the mirror had reddened a bit in shame. It was important for a Master and Servant pair to trust each other completely, but to bluntly reveal that secret before the young magus before they spent enough time to deepen their bond was ridiculous. She was too carried away by her own thoughts. And then again, would Ravel even willing to help her? Himiko didn't want to force the young magus. It would have the opposite effect of what she wanted anyway [@Lonewolf685][@ADamnFiddle][@KoL] [hr]