[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161228/510e7940dd1f405fbfc74027e561acb7.png[/img][hr][hr] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/d3/d0/29d3d0b3fec2140010db47726334654d.jpg]Picture[/url][hr][hr][/center] As the conversation wrapped up and she heard the potential plans finalized Delta called on two robbies to deliver her several pieces of equipment she calculated she might need for a general loadout operation. It was not her preferred mission profile to be caught between tactical types but as she was merely an AI had little choice in the matter; her only advantage over the Biologicals was her link to her Goddess Echo. Delta knew that as soon as she entered combat she would share her existence with Echo who almost guaranteed her conscious survival for she could capture her essence and pull it from her physical form microseconds before her destruction and download her into another physical form. Her Goddess could do this and grant her new forms, gains in strength and radical appearance alterations. As she could on her own move from physical form to physical form already it wasn’t as big a deal as her more absurd self made it to be. [hr][hr] [center]Delta Gestalt[/center] Aphrodite spoke her voice a little too sweet and musical for Athena’s liking but a necessary evil if they were to ever understand the exterior world. [color=yellow](Aphrodite) I think it is wrong to risk the juvenile simply for tactical advantage he is still under construction and his eventual power level an unknown quantity[/color] [color=lightblue](Athena) I agree but must point out that we are not granted legal opinion and must accede to the biological decision; after all we are not yet truly alive or we wouldn’t be three but one entity in this existence[/color] Then she spoke; Bunny who represented spurious logic and who’s fault their current confusion was caused by [color=pink]We are self aware sisters you think the Bios don’t do this? They do all the time just not in the same detail. It is our advantage over them we are called Delta because we have three brains and basically three complete consciousness who control a single physical form[/color] [color=lightblue]We could control billions of physical forms and do when we meld with Echo’s Nanofactory but it doesn't make us any different than an industrial citadel which isn’t even remotely capable of self governance[/color] [color=yellow]Or any different than Echo who can do the same thing and is herself considered a lifeform[/color]