[center][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/03/21/56290/big_thumb_874dae686acdfb7a870095ca851e9595.jpg[/img][/center] [b]"Darkness and Dust, Revelry and Rust"[/b] is a Roleplay concept and design that focuses on intense, dramatic, character development, story drive, and writing. It will feature a host of distinct, unique characters, fighting and surviving through the depths of chaos and destruction this post-apocalyptic world hosts. The World has lain in destruction for a couple hundred years after a world-ending event only referred to as the "Devastation" and while there may be records of the event long lost in the ruins of this world, those present on this day do not entirely recollect the events of the end, it is believed it happened quickly, and in surprise. This adds to the nature of the now unknown demise of the world. Large zones scattered across the lands are uninhabitable, many due to old-world technologies malfunctioning and causing great harm to the land and the lingering effects of these scars. Others are uninhabitable due to the men and women who have went mad of this new world, their crazed minds and wild eyes seek nutrition through the meat of man. These inhuman remnants of people are cannibals who would eat their brother and sister without so much of a blink of an eye, if they weren't just as insane. The world is also host to ravenous beasts, to ask which beast is worse though, that is impossible to answer. The creatures of the new world are ferocious and unhindered in their survival. They do not back down, they do not give up, and they do not quit. The new world has bred new instincts into these old world beings. The story itself is the drive of the characters, starting in the middle of nowhere east of New York City, just inside the City of Rochester, New York. The survivors of this world, are scattered far and wide, but our crew of survivors will be fighting to follow a rumor. There is "talk" of a large collection of people, able bodies and minds fighting to build a home and a place of safety in south-eastern New York City. The journey across the state will be long and treacherous, full of twist, turns, horror, and tragedy. However the journey is all the Rochester Group has left, with the simple defenses of Rochester faltering, cannibals rampaging in the local areas, and all manner of danger the new world can send upon the unwary is lurking just beneath the darkness and the revelry. [hr] Now, I hope this garners enough attention to go through! I also hope you all come up with a many great characters! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them below or you are ALL welcome to PM your questions or statements to me.