[@RenaKin90][@DeadlyPhoenix][@Smiter19][@Zi] Saedd stood as the multicoloured flames danced, he too was multicoloured having scortch marks and blood covering his body, he felt a great deal of sickness as he had already breathed in the scent of the deadly vampires gas, the gray death, [color=f7976a]"ugh, dammit... I can walk."[/color] he said, still holding Rena in his arms as to not harm her any more than she'd already been. [color=f7976a]"vakim!"[/color] he shouted, [color=f7976a]"take us to your home, we have... dire need of shelter."[/color] he said slowly, he began to limp towards his courageous horse, brave enough to charge next to the flaming cart. [color=f7976a]"Rena I won't have you hurt again, Stay on my horse, we'll have shelter at vakims home."[/color], Saedd placed Rena high on the horse and began to walk by its side, limping at every fifth step, he knew now that his time would end so he thought he'd live it serving others as he had in the beginning.