James had come to america to celebrate the Christmas holiday with his newfound friend Ed, the flight was harsh due to a sudden storm before landing at the airport in Seattle, he'd flown from New Zealand through Australia, Japan and over the North Pacific but he saw no signs of a storm, nor had the weather forecast said anything about it, truely extraordinary. Ed met James at the Seattle airport, worried with the coming of the storm that there would be an accident. "Hah, poor suckers won't get their flight." Ed had said when all the other flights had cancelled, in the car to his friends' apartment James received many texts and calls from his mother concerning the storm and not going to America again, the two young men laughed when his mother had finally ended the call and decided to talk about his joining the military and how it was as a whole. the car pulled to a stop in a parking block near a shabby apartment building which so happened to be the building he'd be staying in for the rest of the summer/winter holiday. After a long climb up the apartment stairs, due to the elevator being out of order, they arrived at a door labeled room 408, inside the room was quite clean with only the sudden book every so often, all James' worries were gone. The week went by quietly, not much had happened besides going to a few house parties not anywhere near where he stayed, it was at one of these parties that the "event" happened, a strange purple light appeared excreting red humanoid monsters resembeling demons, people screamed and the religious prayed believing that their god would save them from the apocalypse. James, well James fled with his friend Ed before the demons destroyed the building they'd just fled from, a moment later Ed had nearly crashed into one of these demons if it weren't for James pushing the wheel at the last moment, or was that Ed? Without them knowing the car crashed into the entrance of a subway, the exit was blocked and front window was open, unfortunately Ed had a piece of metal stuck in his chest, he was dying. "Hey, HEY, It'll be alright bro, you're gonna be alright!", Ed placed a hand on James' shoulder. "Just keep on keeping on..." as he said it it was as if all his worries disappeared, but then he died, the friend James had known for only a few months had died in his arms...