[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Route 9 Group: [@Alder][@1Charak2][@alexfangtalon][@ZachChase] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center][hr] The day seemed to pass quickly, and Jack felt as though Route 9 never ended. He had just finished spending the early part of the day chasing his [color=35a4e4]Squirtle[/color] through the park, an idea of getting to train his Pokemon as well as spend a bit of time bonding with her. A scheme that ended up losing Squirtle through the woods. Jack was confident he would do well as a trainer, and never did he think he would have to visit other campsites asking if they had seen his Pokemon run by, let alone a Squirtle. When Jack had finally found Squirtle, he was relieved. Though with the exception of him building a little bit of stamina, it seemed that running around had not proven to be effective training for Squirtle. [color=8d68ed]"It seems there aren't any shortcuts. If we're going to train like Professor Sycamore said, we are going to have to find other Pokemon to battle."[/color] Squirtle tilted her head in reply. Jack realized that his Pokemon probably puts a lot of faith in him knowing what he is doing, and so before the day ended he had already made the decision to find a Pokemon to battle. Smiling at Squirtle, Jack returned her to his ball and he quickly searched his surroundings. It had only been a few minutes searching until he heard a commotion start up near his location. He followed the noise of what sounded like an upset going on at a nearby campsite. Watching from a distance, Jack moved closer to the glow of their fire to see two parties arguing over who the area belonged to. A comment was made by one of the camping members about "dressing in black and failing to intimidate kids" that made Jack grin from ear to ear. Then, a challenge to battle was declared, and Jack realised that both parties were all Pokemon Trainers. He had been unaware to the Pokeballs they all were carrying until the challenge had presented itself, and he overheard the challenger looking to the others for support. Not hesitating to follow up on his decision to find a Pokemon battle, Jack made his way to the campsite, calling out to the challenging trainer. [color=8d68ed]"Hey! If it's help you are looking for, then I'd be happy to join you."[/color]